Religious language Pt 2 Flashcards
when was the Vienna Circle created?
what is Logical Positivism?
only scientific language is meaningful as it alone can be shown through analysis
what were the two ways that langue is meaningful according to the Vienna circle
Analytically and Synthetically
what is analytical verification
a prior and refers to knowledge gained through reason e.g “all bachelors are male”
what is synthetic verification
a posteriori, knowledge can be proven true or false by sense experience.
what is Ayers verification principle
arguing primarily that statements may not be directly provable, but it is likely that we can prove it true beyond reasonable doubt.
what did Ayer distinguish verifiability into
practical verifiability and verifiability in principle
what is practical verifability
refers to statements that can be tested
what is verifiability in principle
means that one could verify a statement but in practise is difficult
which one is strong verification and which one is weak
strong = practical verification
weak = verifiable in principle
what did Ayer’s principle become known as
the principle of weal verification.
why does Ayer deny the existentece of God
as there is no way to empirically verify his existence
what was one of the reason Ayer developed his principle
as in theory the teleological argument could be weak verification for the existence of God.
how did ayer improve his principle
he changed it to direct verifiability and indirect
what is direct verification
refers to a statement that is verifiable directly by observation
what is indirect verification
statement may not be directly verifiable, but can be verified if directly verifiable evidence can support it.
how does Hick counter Ayers idea that God can not me empirically proved
the eschatological principle, when we die we will know
how does Ayer defend his principle from Hick
theory of an after life is theoretical, and we won’t have senses to verify it.
how is the verification principle self defeating?
the principle can not be empirically proved, so is not meaningful and therefore contradictory.
does Flew think religious language is meaningless?
yes, it fails to assert anything about reality.
why does Flew think religious language is meaningless
cognitive meaning requires expression of belief. so even though religious language expresses belief, since they are unfalsifiable beliefs they have no meaning.
how came up with the parable of the gardener.
what is the parable of the gardener?
two people are walking through a forest and find a clearing. they wait to see if anyone comes but they don’t so one of them assumes its an invisible gardener. after a while the person says it must be a non physical, tangible gardener.
St Paul said that religious belief is actually falsifiable. how?
christianity could be proven false if we find evidence that Jesus did not rise from the dead by finding his body. this passes Flews test of falsification and so would be meaningful