religious expression in australia Flashcards
migrant statistic
in 2021, over 50% of population were first or second generation migrants.
order of religious affiliations (2021)
christianity, no religion, islam, hinduism, buddhism
religions experiencing growth and decline
- islam
- hinduism
- sikhism
- christianity
- buddhism
- judaism
2.6% - 3.2% (2016 - 2021)
due to increase migration from middle eastern and southern asian countries.
1.9% - 2.7%
- most growth from 2006 - 2016 - immigration from South Asia
- NSW and Victoria have most
0.5% - 0.8%
- immigration from India
christianity stat
52.1% (2016) - 43.9% (2021)
christianity information
experienced most significant and rapid decline but remained most dominant.
- traditional forms decreased most.
- increase in Christianity nfd
uniting church
created in 1977 in australia
congregational union of australia + methodist church + presbyterian church
other christian
churches or christ
salvation army
jehovahs witnesses
seventh day adventists
3.6% of population
remained mostly 0.4% for over 100 years.
Remained mostly stable
4th most popular religion in Australia
2.4% (2016) - 2.7% (2021)
no religion statistic
30% (2016) – 39% (2021)
Increase by 2.8 million people.
no religion information
growth in no religion = largest trend in australia’s religious landscape recently
shift away from religion
express spirituality outside of traditional framework- new age religions
or give up completley
mostly in 20’s
christianity as major religious tradition
strongest religious affiliation in despite increasingly multifaith
due to british immigration - diversified with denominations since 1945
reason for decrease in christianity
do not align with modern societal values on contemporary issues
define denominational switching
changing from one religious group to another within the Christian Tradition.
reason for denominational switching
Lifelong commitment no longer seen as important in our individualistic society.
who is advantaged and disadvantaged by denominational switching + example
National Church Survey found
pentecostals - youth attracted to vibrant services and promise of direct revelation from God
Traditional Churches are found to be disadvantaged except catholics and orthodox which promote lifelong commitment.
define new age religions
promote individual spirituality to foster personal happiness, health, and meaning in life rather than religion.
why are new age religions rising
traidiotnal religions failing to resonate with modern people.
new age religions examples+ stat
Mind, Body and Spirit Festival
with 11000 people attending in 2016 and 22 000 in 2023
use of crystals, feng shui, meditation and tarot cards.
define secularism
principle that religion should not interfere with or be integrated into the public affairs of society.
reasons for increase in secularism
- people feel traditional religion not relevant to modern society
- individual rights more important than conforming to faith
- science can answer more questions
example for secularism
30.1% (2016) – 38.9% (2021)
Increase by 2.8 million people.
immigration + stat
major influence
in 2021, over 50% of population were first or second generation migrants.
immigration 1940 - 1960
migration from britain + taking war refugees + jews
immigration 1970 - 1980
1973 - WAP abandoned
- asian immigration
- refugees after vietnam war
increase in muslims
- conflict
immigration examples
islam stats
2.6 - 3.2
1.9% - 2.7%
define ecumensim
movement for dialogue and mutual understanding between christian churches
impact of ecumenism
tackle relevant issues in australia and internationally
bring christians together to work for common good
achieve fulfillment of gods purpose
have greater impact on issues by working together
practical cooperation
the national council of churches
- 1994
- 19 member churches
- incl anglican, catholic and uniting
- apply christs message of unity
- come together to run positive change programs
act for peace
part of christmas bowl mission
- send aid assistance to countries throughout asia, middle east
- demonstrating christian values of agape love to have a greater impact on society
- also facilitated by NSW ecumenical council
nsw ecumenical council
- 1982
- 21 member churchs
- local and international initiatives
- break down barriers for common good of society
house of welcome
asylum seekers without work rights or social security
can help the disadvantaged more by working tgoether
define interfaith dialogue
move to greater cooperation and harmony of different religious traditions.
importance of interfaith dialogue
Expanding due to cultural diversity from immigration
answer to keeping harmony between many religions in society
understanding and communications
australian council of christians and hews
create dialogue and understanding between Christianity and Judaism
program from australian council of christians and jews
educate christian teachers on how to teach sections of New Testamanr thtat are traditionally seen to enforce antisemitism
- decrease racism
- multiculturalism
columban centre for christian muslim relations
break down sterotypes and assumptions through dialogue
present religious harmony
program by columban centre for christian muslim relations
‘Bridges’ - newsletter
informing community and increasing awareness and education
define reconciliation
Reconciliation acknowledges past injustices to Aboriginal Spiritualities and aims to foster mutual respect and understanding for a better future.
why is it a universal effort
most caused by actions of christians
became universal social justice movement to advaocate for first nations peopels
run by national council of churches
- christians churches ackolwedge role in dispoession - make effort to promote rights
natsiec initiatives
empower indigenous women
- tell story of loss
- develop plan for repair of spirituality in chrisitan context
Buddhist Peace Fellowship
a catalyst and agent for socially engaged Buddhism
played a significant role in supporting Aboriginal communities
buddhist peace fellowship initiative for reconciliation
‘The Land and The Cross and the Lotus’ performance
- brings together spiritual stories from dreaming, christianity and buddhism
- promoting religious harmony and indigenous recognition