Religious Ethics and the Environment Flashcards
Genesis & Dominion
God gave Adam and Eve dominion of everything, he created the Garden of Eden and everything in it for them to use. He even allowed them to name the animals. As we are their descendants then we can use the environment for our own benefit.
Noah’s Ark & Dominion
God flooded all of the world just to punish human sins, he had no concern for the animals. We are more “special” than they are, God was willing to sacrifice them for humanity.
Story of Gaderene Swine
When Jesus cured a man of possession, he placed the demons into pigs which then dove of a cliff. He had no concern for the life of the pigs so why should we?
Aquinas & Dominion
He quotes Aristotle “Since nature makes nothing purposeless or in vain, it is undeniably true that She made animals for the sake of man.”
Christian Aid & Instrumental value of environment
The universe has value in it’s use
Christian Aid & Instrumental value of environment
The universe has value in it’s use by us. Christian Aid charities care for the environment as if they didn’t it would affect human lives. For example, if the snows of Kilimanjaro were to melt as a result of global warming then this would eliminate a crucial tourist magnet and a source of water in Africa.
John Hagee (Fundamentalist)
Global warming is happening because it was prophesied in the bible. The weather will change before Jesus’ return and at this rapture God will create “a new heaven and a new Earth” so it is not necessary to care about the environment. Disturbed weather signs mean that the rapture is coming but this is inevitable and good.
Genesis & Stewardship
God made Adam and Eve caretakers for the Earth. This means that Creation has intrinsic value as God made it. “God saw what he had made, and it was good.”
Psalms & Stewardship
“the heavens declare the glory of the Lord, the skies proclaim the work of his hands.”
St. Francis of Assisi & Stewardship
He lived among the poor and was one with nature. “Praised be You my Lord with all Your creatures, especially Sir Brother Sun.”