Religion (Year 7 End Of Year Revision) Flashcards
What are the Ten Commandments?
1) Worship no God but me
2) Do not worship idols
3) Do not use my name for evil purposes
4) Keep the Sabbath day holy
5) Respect your father and mother
6) Do not murder
7) Do not commit adultery
8) Do not steal
9) Do not lie
10) Do not be jealous
What is a parish?
A parish is a small community church.
What is a diocese?
A group of churches governed by a bishop.
What are the main symbols of baptism?
Water and oil. Water because the baby is cleansed of the original sin. Oil because it is thought to give you strength also when kings where coronated they used oil.
What does the word bible mean?
The word bible means the “library of books” because it is a collection of books.
How many books are there in the bible?
In the catholic old testament there are 46 books and in the New testament there are 27 books.
Who are the 4 gospels?
Mathew, Mark, Luke and John.
How do christians use the bible?
To study, prayer, worship and a guide for living.
What are the 5k’s?
The Kangha, the Kara, the Kachera, the Kirpan and the Kesh.
What is the Kangha?
The Kangha is a small comb and it is used to keep the hair up.
What is the Kara?
The Kara is a steel ring on the right arm and it represents that Gods love is eternal.
What is the Kachera?
The Kachera are short trousers which are worn as underwear.
What is the Kirpan?
The Kirpan is a knife that was around 10 feet long but now it is only around a few inches. It symbolises that Sikhs duty is to fight evil.
What is the Kesh?
The Kesh means uncut hair. Sikhs believe that is you try to change or shape your hair you are going against Gods creation.
What did God make on the first day?
He made the day and night.