Religion vocab Flashcards
means to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to other people.
is the Body of Christ, that is, the community of God’s people who profess faith
in the Risen Lord Jesus and love and serve others under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
is a very special kind of sign or symbol and a visible or outward sign of
God’s grace.
refers to all the members of the Church who have been initiated into the Church
through Baptism and who are not ordained members of the clergy or in consecrated life.
is the official public worship of the Church. The sacraments and the Divine
Office constitute the Church’s liturgy
is the official, sacred leadership in the Church made up of the Church’s
ordained ministers-bishops, priests, and deacons. The symbol of unity and authority in
the Church is the Pope, the Bishop of Rome, who is the successor of St. Peter.
are vows of personal poverty, chastity understood as lifelong
celibacy, and obedience to the demands of the community being joined, which are
professed by those entering consecrated life.
Evangelical counsels
is a gift of the Spirit whereby the Pope and bishops are preserved from
error when proclaiming a doctrine related to Christian faith and morals.
are four essential signs or characteristics of Christ’s Church that
mark her as his true Church. The Church is one, holy, catholic, and apostolic.
Marks of the Church
is from a Greek word meaning “universal.”
is a denial of the faith.
is a break in Church unity resulting from the failure to accept the Pope as the
Vicar of Christ.
is the movement, inspired and led by the Holy Spirit, that seeks the union
of all Christian religions and eventually the unity of all peoples throughout the world.
is a major break between the churches of the West (centered in Rome)
and the East (centered in the city of Constantinople)
Great Schism
is a baptized Christian who believes in Christ but who does not accept all
the teachings of the Catholic Church. Protestant communities first came into existence
during the Reformation in the 16th century