Religion Unit 3 Test Flashcards
What are the forms of prayer?
Vocal, contemplation and meditation
What is Christian Meditation?
- Focusing your attention on an idea, a story, or a particular object
- Helps us enter into the actual experience of praying and fully enables us to attend to God
What does Christain meditation require and focus on and acknowledge on?
- Requires practice, concentration, and commitment
- Focuses on God and not mental reflection of oneself
- Moves from mental prayer to the heart
- Acknowledges that the Spirit dwells within us and that we need to be quiet and still to the Spirit
- Buddhism emphasizes meditation as a way to enrich your prayer life
What is lectio Divina and what are the four parts?
- Meditation upon the word of God where we read the word of God slowly
Four parts: - Lectio = read the passage of the scripture
- Meditation = reflect on what you believe God is saying
- Oratio = respond in prayer or journal
- Contemplation = rest in silence and allow God to do the work
What is Visio Divina and what does it involve?
- Reading on sacred art
Involves - An opening prayer
- Focusing on a specific part of the image for a minute
- Looking or reflecting on the whole image
- Considering emotions the image involves
- Saying any prayers the image invokes
- Offering prayers to God in a final time of silence
What is contemplation and when does it occur?
- Different form of consciousness that requires living in constant union with God so that everything is a prayer
- We rest our thoughts and simply love/respond to love
- It takes practice and sets aside the kind of mental effort used in meditation, seeking instead a wordless, loving adoration of Christ and his mysteries.
- To feel this we must be open to it and able to perceive and appreciate God’s presence
- Occurs when we see God’s presence in the ordinary in a tree, breeze or great time with friends
- A deeper form of prayer and not something that you are led through and this connection with God is not easily acquired
What is daily examen and the five step of it?
- Prayerful reflections on the events of the day in order to detect God’s presence and discern his direction for us.
- Ancient practice in the Church that can help us see God’s hand at work in our whole experience
Version of the five-step Daily Examen that St. Ignatius practiced
- Become aware of God’s presence
- Review teh day with gratitude
- Pay attention to your emotions
- Choose one feature of the day and pray from it
- Look forward to tomorrow
Adoration/Praise prayer
- Express praise and honor to God.
- Praise God for giving us life, for the wonder and beauty of our world, and for all the many blessings we enjoy.
- Open ourselves up to praise God for all the wonders of creation.
Blessing prayer
One that calls on God’s power to care for a person, place, thing or undertaking.
Thanksgiving prayer
- The verbal expression of thanks arising from gratitude within the heart.
- Meditating on God’s grace and mercies gives birth to gratitude, and gratitude to love.
Petition prayer
- Praying to God asking God to fulfill a need.
- Sometimes that need is for ourselves, and sometimes it’s for others, but it’s a direct request for something we truly desire God to deliver.
Intercession prayer
Act of praying on behalf of others, or asking a saint in heaven to pray on behalf of oneself or for others.
· Responsorial Psalm
- Usually the first reading in the wedding service is followed by a psalm.
- It is a way of saying ‘Yes, we agree, and we are right behind what that first reading has said’.
- Antiphonal psalm that is said or read before the Gospel at Mass.
- We are expected to respond, either with signing or speaking, depending on the Mass.
· General Intercessions (Prayers of the Faithful / Petitions)
In the General Intercessions or the Prayer of the Faithful, the people respond in a certain way to the word of God which they have welcomed in faith and, exercising the office of their baptismal priesthood, offer prayers to God for the salvation of all.
- Litanies are a form of prayer, led by a priest or deacon, containing a series of petitions to which people make fixed responses.
- Litany for the Dying
The Rosary and parts of it
- The rosary is a devotion in honor of the Virgin Mary. It consists of a set number of specific prayers.
- First are the introductory prayers: one Apostles’ Creed (Credo), one Our Father (the Pater Noster or the Lord’s Prayer), three Hail Mary’s (Ave’s), one Glory Be (Gloria Patri).
Stations of the Cross
- The Stations of the Cross refer to a series of depictions of Christ’s journey.
- They represent 14 key moments in the trial, crucifixion, and burial of Jesus Christ.
- Stations of the Cross, or the Way of the Cross, have been celebrated by Roman Catholic believers for centuries, typically right before Easter.
Our father
because we are his sons, God sent the spirit of his son into our hearts, the spirit who class out Abba, Father
Hallowed be thy name
we are asking God to guide us through troubled times rather than asking him to save us from troubled times
Thy Kingdom come
we are asking to be accepted into God’s kingdom
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
to love one another as he has loved us so we must love one another
Give us this day our daily bread
he gives us eternal life and food in which we need to sustain ourselves
Food which endures to eternal life that Jesus feeds us
not food that spoils
And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us
asking God for forgiveness, as well as declaring our forgiveness of those who have wronged us
This petition implies responsibilities, what are they?
to seek jesus not for the tangible items that fill us but for that fills our hearts
And lead us not into temptation
No temptation has overtaken us except what is common to mankind and he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.
But deliver us from evil
We need deliverance from it. We need to avoid it and escape it, to be shielded from it or through it.
“What does prayer require?”
time, discipline, to be done daily and focused on God not oneself