Religion Tudors Flashcards
Under Henry VII what was the social role of the church?
Provide a religious experience for ordinary people through festivals and mass
Guilds and confraternities which promoted Christian charity
Aided in control of commoners as it encouraged good behaviour and obedience
Also employment opportunities
What was the political role of the church under Henry VII?
The pope in Rome was a significant political figure who could change course of nations-dispensation to marry liz of York
Church and state were Erastian - the belief that the state should have an authority over the church but it was more of a working relationship in reality.
Main jobs were Archbishop of York & Canterbury which were then split into dioceses
What about the parish church was essential
The fact it provided a framework for how people thought- especially like the monarchy
What was purgatory
Catholic belief that the state when souls of the dead were purged of their sins before they could enter heaven
What were the seven catholic sacraments?
Baptism ,marriage ,confirmation ,anointing the sick
Penance ,holy orders ,Eucharist
What is transubstantiation
Catholic belief that the substance of bread and wine completely changed into the substance of Christ’s body and blood by validly ordained priest during mass
Why was mass important
Sacred ritual that the whole community participated in
What was a chantries
Chapels where mass for the souls of the dead took place
What was pilgrimage
A journey to a place of religious devotion
Monastic orders under HVII?
1500 monks living in monasteries
Who were friars
They worked among lay people on charity donations
Main orders were Dominicans, Franciscans and the augustines
Recruited lower down the social scale
What were the heretic views of the Lollards
Stressed understanding the bible and wanted it translated to English. They were sceptical about the eucharist and conserved church institution was corrupt.
Where were lollards most concentrated in Henry VII England?
Mainly southern England- south Buckinghamshire
What happened to the Lollards
Their movement dissapeared as loss of intellectual coherance and geographical limits. Also in 1401 burning of heretics was introduced into English law
What were humanism ideas
To establish reliability of Latin & Greek translations to purify religious texts- believed in the Catholic Church
Who was John Colet
English Humanist who during H7 reign was critical of the clergy And wanted to reform the church
Who was desiderius Erasmus
Dutch scholar who was highly critical of corrupt Catholic Church. He visited England in 1499 to meet with John colet
What happened to humanism and education in H8s reign ?
John colet refunded St. Paul’s school
Humanist ideas were deeply embedded in university curriculum
How did renaissance ideas influence more heavily under Henry 8
Knowledge of classical learning increased especially in the upper risks of society
Schools were influenced by humanist ideas
Henry saw himself as a promoter of new ideas
Thomas more was a humanist who was involved in politics
Also renaissance ideas influence art - Henry 7 and liz tombs
What were considered weaknesses in the church during h8 reign?
Corruption- pluralism (profit off more than 1 post), simony (being church jobs) eg. Cardinal Wolsey
Anticlericalism- opposition to importance o clergy in social and political issues, lawyers object to influence of canon law
Decline in monasticism
What was the significance of the murder of Richard hunne?
1514- merchant found dead in a bishops prison. Appeared to hang himself but evidence for murder- disastrous for churches reputation
Evidence of early English Protestantism?
Little evidence other than humanism. Cranmer was the only evidence
What did the act of supremacy 1534 change about church?
King became supreme head of the Church
When was the start of ‘visitations’ to the monasteries?
When was act to dissolve smaller monasteries
When was act to dissolve remaining monasteries
When were first set of royal injunctions
When were second set of royal injunctions
When was first edition of the great bible
When was act for the advancement of true religion
What did the 1536 injunctions do
Restrict holy days and discouraged pilgrimages
What did the 1538 injunctions do?
Pilgrimages and awe of religious objects were condemned
Very radical