what are the parts of the introductory rites?
Entrance song
Sign of the cross
Penitential act
Opening prayer (collect)
define the word ‘rite’ and give examples
An action or word associated with a particular part of the mass - ex. communion rite, introductory rite
What are the parts of the liturgy of the word?
- Reading from the Old testament
- Responsorial Psalm
- Reading from the New testament
- Alleluia / Gospel acclamation
- Gospel
- Homily
- Creed
- Prayers of the faithful
what are the parts of the liturgy of the eucharist?
- preparation of the gifts
- prayer over the gifts
- eucharistic prayer
what are the parts of the communion rite?
- Lord’s prayer
- sign of peace
- breaking of the bread - lamb of god
- communion
- prayer after communion
what are the parts of the concluding rites?
- blessing
- dissmisal
what are the parts of the Mass in the order celebrated?
- Introductory rites
- Liturgy of the word
- Liturgy of the eucharist
- Communion rite
- concluding rites
what is the nicene creed?
A powerful profession of faith that reminds us of the main beliefs of the catholic church
why is gathering as community an important part to catholic life?
we gather together to pray with one another and strengthen the bonds with Jesus’ presence while together
Describe the action that occurs during this part of the mass. What does this action mean?
The sign of the cross
- represents the start of the mass as we welcome God
What is the lectionary
About different readings from the bible for everyday of the year
what is the gospel book
A book which contains readings about the gospel
- the most important book at mass
what is a petition, give an example
when people pray and they ask for something
ex. “God help those in need of strength and courage
What are the liturgy of the eucharist and communion rite made up of
They are made up of four distinct actions which re enact and relive what jesus did at the last supper
4 actions: He took,blessed,broke and gave
what happens during consecration?
the priest turns the bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus Christ