Religion Terms Flashcards
A word meaning “good news”; the good news of God’s mercy and love revealed in Jesus Christ.
A word meaning “turning toward”; turning our hearts back toward God’s love and away from choices that weaken our friendship with God; the deepening of our friendship with God and the Church
A work done in someone else’s name; the work of Christians carried out in the name of Christ.
The image used in the Bible for eternal life and to describe all people and creation living in eternal communion with God when Christ comes again in glory at the end of time.
Kingdom of God
The Passover events of Jesus’ Passion, death, Resurrection, and glorious Ascension; the passing over of Jesus from death into a new and glorious life; the name we give to God’s plan of saving us in Jesus.
Paschal Mystery
The collection of the forty-six books of the Old Testament and the twenty-seven books of the New Testament named by the Church as all the writings God has inspired human authors to write in his name.
Another name for the Gospel according to John
Fourth Gospel
The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke
A word meaning “ten words”; the Ten Commandments
A type of story Jesus used to teach, comparing one thing to another, inviting his listeners to make a decision to live for the Kingdom of God.
A Christian who travels to places in their own country and in other countries to live and preach the Gospel.
The sacrament in which we share in the Paschal Mystery of Christ and receive the Body and Blood of Christ, who is truly present under the appearances of bread and wine.
A plant that grows in Egypt used for making scrolls to write on.
A serious but encouraging and gentle warning
A word meaning “big mouth,” referring to the masks worn by actors in the performance of Greek drama; a person who pretends to be something they are not.
The gift of our sharing in God’s life.
A type of writing that includes revelations for the future that bring hope in a time of crisis.
An extended comparison of two things, using concrete images for abstract or spiritual realities
A type of formal letter found in the New Testament.
A special type of speaking and writing used to persuade others