Religion - Religious Organizations Flashcards
large born into it upper class state ideologically conservative withdrawal hierarchy monopoly of truth
Who identified denominations under Troeltsch’s scheme, and what LBUSIWHM do they have?
Neibhur, L, B,H, I, W
Bruce’s problems with Troeltsch’s church
- Large X - Brierly says englad has 1mil and catholic has 800k
- no M
- not always I, therefore not always S. (Roman Catholic Church opposed communism in L america)
Sects by Troeltsch and Roy Wallis
T = nothin but M
W= “deviant groups that claim to be uniquely legitimate”
Roy Wallis’s categorization of churches
Uniquely legitimate versus pluralistically legitimate
respectable versus deviant
Alan Aldridge on sects and deniminations
Differs with context for example Mormons in the US versus in Britain
Cults: who says what
highly Individualistic expression
personal experience and interpretations
lacks a Fixed Doctrine
Bruce on sects
sects Are a result of breaking from larger churches due to social conflicts
Example of Sects
Peoples temple of America in 1970 when Jim Jones created a commune Jonestown which practice Marxist ideology
the members died after taking Cyanide
Wallis’s world rejecting movements
Definite concept of God
Critical of the outside world
Seek change
Sharp break from conventional life
World accommodating new religious movements
They are offshoots or branches of existing churches for example Neo Pentecostalists
Concerned with religious questions
Seek to restore spiritual purity
World affirming new religious movements
No church God for collective ritual
focuses on spiritual powers and personal achievement
Little control over members
Critique Wallis (3)
Beckford argues that the categories are difficult to apply our believes or the individual out looks more important
There may be a diversity of veiws within a sept or cult
Stark & Bainbridge against typology
Stark and Bainbridge on cults and sects
They can only be measured by the degree of conflict between them and wider society
Max Weber on the growth of Colts
Marginal groups in society seek a theodicy of disprivilege
That is a religious justification for their dis privilege
Relative deprivation who says what
Wallis says that despite middle-class backgrounds few more spiritually deprived
Stark agrees and believes that the relatively deprived are likely to break away
Maguire says relative deprivation makes conditions necessary for cults
Social change and the growth of SECTS
Bryan Wilson-response to Rapids social change example the thought is him as a response of the working class to chaos of industrialization
Agreed by Andrew Dawson
Steve Bruce on the growth of CULTS
secularization equals weak religion equals consideration of alternatives
When people dislike commitment CULTS become more popular
Dawson and the supply side of new religious movements
Movements should effectively use the Internet or other recruitment methods
Must draw upon prevailing political rhetoric
Present themselves positively in society