Religion, Peace & Justice Flashcards
What is the Just War Theory?
The belief that wars can be morally justified if they are for certain reasons
What did Sir Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) quote about the Just War Theory?
“A war that is better to fight than not.”
What is the First Rule to the Just War Theory?
War must be fought for a just cause (there must be a just or moral reason, such as defending a nation under attack etc.
What is the Second Rule to the Just War Theory?
There must be controlled violence (Every effort must be made to make sure that as little violence is used as possible).
What is the Third Rule to the Just War Theory?
A war can be fought if it is believed that greater evil would exist if the war were not fought.
What is the Fourth Rule to the Just War Theory?
In order for a war to be just, it must be in the control of the politicians and not just dominated by the military.
What is the Fifth Rule to the Just War Theory?
The force used in the war should be proportional. This mean that the amount of force should not be excessive. (Avoid injuring innocent or destroying land)
What is the Sixth and final rule to the Just War Theory?
Only the military should be involved in the fighting of the war and they should seek to avoid the damage of property and others.
What is Social Justice?
People should be treated fairly and with respect in a society,that they all should have equal access to housing education and have the same human rights
What is Social Injustice?
What people may be denied those rights as a consequence of poverty or discrimination; maybe because of: race, religion, sex, sexuality, wealth, classes.
What do Christians believe the world often lacks?
Justice, many people are not treated fairly
What do they believe?
That God created all people so all people should be treated equally
A quote from Luke 6:31
“Treats others the same was you want them to treat you.”
A quote from Matthew 7:12
“Do to others what you would have them do to you.”
A quote from Galations 3:28
“There is neither nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor females, for you are all me one in Christ Jesus