Religion, peace and conflict Flashcards
Murder is forbidden…“you shall not murder” being the 6th commandment.
In other parts of the OT, God condones the use of violence within the context of wars. People see this justified because it defends people and nations.
In NT, Jesus speaks of the peacemakers being blessed in Sermon on the mount + love your enemies, prey for those who persecute.
Some Christians believe Jesus’s teachings makes it wrong to use violence in any context, so look for peaceful solutions.
Cause of Terrorism
Often those involved feel like there isn’t an alternative an think that;
-there actions have the potential to force change
-use of terror is an appropriate response to the given situation
Terrorist groups may develop because of social reasons ie. marginalization of minority groups. Some terrorist groups may want Independence/international recognition and land and there may also be religious reasons.
When religious freedoms are violated, some extremists choose to use violence to address the issue.
Different Christian attitudes towards terrorism
Mainstream Christians view the use or terror by Christians not appropriate for finding solutions in any situation.
Catholic church accepts sometimes a just war is an appropriate response to terror.
CofE accepts the use of lethal force as a last resort when dealing w. a terrorist.
Church believes that creating stronger communities will help combat some forms of terrorism.
Relationship between Christians and politics
Some Christians think it’s wrong to get involved in politics and believe God is sovereign and can be trusted. Others argue there is a moral obligation for them to be involved and think its important to stay informed about gov. decisions.
Voting is part of each C’s involvement in politics in the UK.
CofE- the monarch promises to maintain the Church and approve appointment of archbishops, bishops and deans on the pm recommendation.
House of Lords, 26 bishops.
Just war
Many Christians accept just war theory…
Jus ad bellum, whether it is right to go to war. Must be started by proper authority, the reason for war must be just + last resort.
Jus in bello, actions taken in a war w. correct conduct being followed.
Jus post bellum, actions taken after war.