religion, peace and conflict Flashcards
Explain two similar religious beliefs about pacifism.
Peace and non-violence are core beliefs in Buddhism/right action/first precept (not to harm any living thing)/karuna (compassion)/some Mahayana Buddhists believe killing is acceptable if it save further lives,
Explain two similar religious beliefs about pacifism.
Pacifist Christians believe they are following the example of Jesus/‘turn the other cheek’/‘do not kill’/some Christian pacifists assist the war effort in non-combat roles/Quakers are pacifists/just war may justify
fighting/sometimes it is better to fight to save lives and protect a country or way of life (eg WW2), etc.
Explain two religious beliefs about justice.
Justice should not be combined with revenge/the 4 Noble Truths and 8 fold path promote justice/accept any relevant accurate quotes such as ‘Whoever tries to seek happiness through hurting others, cannot find happiness.’ (Dhammapada) and ‘I believe in justice and truth, without which there would be no basis for human hope.’ (Dalai Lama), etc.
Explain two religious beliefs about justice.
A just God demands that humans deal with each other justly/dealing justly will improve the world and will reduce suffering and oppression/God’s judgement is just/accept any relevant accurate quotes such as ‘Let justice roll on like a river and righteousness like an ever flowing
stream’ (Amos)/‘what does the Lord require of you? To act justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.’ (Micah)/parable of the sheep and goats/any accurate and relevant teaching or example of Jesus, etc.
There are no good reasons for countries to possess nuclear weapons.’
Harming living things is wrong (1st precept) and nuclear weapons cause massive harm/nuclear weapons do not help to show compassion/deterrence is against Buddhism because it is based on fear/Buddhists are permitted to fight but nuclear weapons are
disproportional/use of nuclear weapons is likely to involve selfishness and greed/money could be better spent on providing for the poor and disadvantaged/‘The mechanisation of war …poses an increasing threat
to peace.’ (Dalai Lama), etc.
There are no good reasons for countries to possess nuclear weapons.’
Christians are encouraged to work towards peace/following peaceful example of Jesus would rule out nuclear weapons/nuclear weapons disobey the just war criteria (proportionality)/potential for massive civilian casualties/sanctity of life/‘do not kill’/‘love your neighbour’ (may be the more loving thing to do if it ends violence/nuclear weapons have proved to be a deterrent and have helped to keep the peace/they could
be used as a last resort in the most serious of circumstances, especially if they prevent further suffering, etc.