Religion - Peace and conflict Flashcards
What date did the Americans drop an atom bomb?
6th August 1945
Where did they drop the atomic bomb?
Define pacifism
Refusing to fight in wars, for the first 300 years of Christianity people refused to fight in wars
What are four reasons for Christian pacifism?
- Bad things happens to civilians in wars
- The ten commandments ban killing
- They belief peace will only come if people refuse to fight in wars.
- Jesus taught about loving your enemies
Give three examples of religious organisations that try to promote world peace
Any three:
- Pax Christi
- Muslim peace fellowship
- Jewish peace fellowship
- Mahatma Ghandi centre for global non violence
- Sikh Khudai Khidmatgar
Give three ways religious organisations work for world peace.
- Public debates
- Making public statements
- Attending interfaith conferences
- Working for economic justice and global recognition of human rights
Give four reasons why wars occur
- Religious differences
- Nationalism/ethnicity
- Economics
- Political/ideological differences
Define aggression
Attacking without being provoked
Define exploitation
Taking advantages over a weaker group
What is the only war Christians are prepared to fight?
A just war
Give four things that were in St Thomas’s criteria for a Just war.
Any four from:
- The cause of the war is Just (resisting aggression or removing great injustice)
- The war is being fought by an authority of the united nations
- The intention is to restore peace
- It is the last option
- There is a reasonable chance of success
- It avoids killing civilians
Give two reasons why Christians believe in Just wars.
- Romans 13 - Obey the orders of the government
2. “Give Caesar what is Caesar’s”
What is Jihad?
The struggle
Give four rules for when Muslims fight a war.
- Must be the last option
- Civilians must not be attacked
- It must end as soon as enemies lay down their arms
- It must be authorised and led by a Muslim authority
Do all religions think that bullying is wrong?
Why do Christians feel it’s their duty to bring reconciliation between families and friends? (4 marks)
- Jesus died on the cross for your sins to be forgiven
- Jesus told Peter to forgive his brother 77 times
- Apostle Paul said to live in peace
- Jesus said if Christians do not forgive others then they will not forgive themselves.
Why do Muslims believe in reconciliation and forgiveness? (4 marks)
- God is compassionate and merciful
- Muslims must accept his mercy
- The Qu’ran says Muslims should forgive people for their sins
- Prophet Muhammad said to forgive
Define World peace
The aim of the united nations by removing causes of war
Define Nuclear weapons
Weapons based on atomic fission or fusion
Define weapons of mass destruction
Non nuclear weapons that can destroy large areas or people
Define bullying
Intimidating/frightening people weaker than yourself
Define forgiveness
The act of stopping the blaming of someone and/ or pardoning them of what they did wrong.
Define Reconciliation
Bring together people who are opposed to eachother