Religion, Peace and Conflict Flashcards
What is the catholic view on violence
-Violence rejects what God wants for the world
-Wrong thoughts can lead to wrong actions
Summarised story of Cain and Abel
Cain was jealous of his brother which made him angry. Cain murdered his brother which upset God
What is bullying
A form of violence
What is a belief about forgiveness
God forgives us so we should forgive others
What is a quote to support forgiveness
Jesus said to him “I do not say to you seven times, but seventy seven times”
What are the benefits of reconciliation
-Respect for other peoples beliefs
-A stronger relationship
-Appreciation and acceptance
What is Justice
Fairness for all people
Whatvis a quote for Justice
“Let justice roll down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream” Amos 5:24
What is Righteous Anger
Anger against an injustice
When is anger righteous
-The anger must improve the situation
-If it is because of an injustice
What are two Christian beliefs about violent protests
-Innocent people die when they don’t need to
-It is illegal and ineffective
What are two contrasting beliefs about violent protests
-It is sometimes necessary to make a government take notice
-It worked for the suffragettes in Britain
What is the Just War Theory
A set of conditions that must be met for a war to be justified
What are all Just war Principles
- Must be started and cobtrolled by proper authority
- Must be a just cause
- The war must be for the right reason
- The war must be a last resort
- Benefits must putweight cons
- Should be a large chance of success
2 Bible quotes to support war
-“an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”
-“The Lord is a warrior”
2 Bible quotes against war
-“ You shall not murder”
-“Love your neighbour as yourself”
What is the old testament about?
The story of the Israelites to establish themselves in the “Promised land”
Who are famous pacifists?
Jesus, MLK
Positive Belief about Pacifism
Does work, MLK successfully fought racism using non-violent methods
Contrasting view about pacifism
Bohnhoeffer say it wouldn’t work against dictators like Hitler
What is a holy war
-A war fought for a religous goal
-Must be approved be a religous leader
-A belief that God is on your side
Other reasons coubtries moght go to war
-To gain power
-To gain land
-Defend people
-Defend the country
-Holy war
Catholic teachings on WMD
-Effects are indiscriminate and cannot be justified
-Causes tension and fear in the world
-Causes severe damage to the enviroment
Contrasting views about WMD
-Needed to deter attacks
-If we got rid of them we would be vulnerable to other coubtries who keep them
-Symbol of power
What are the consequences of modern warfare
-Civilian deaths/injuries
-Enviromental damage
Catholic belief about refugees
We owe it to refugees legally and morally and they contribute hugely to society
Contrasting view about refugees
Not enough homes jobs and services to occupy them
Catholic view on terrorism
“We should never take any vengeance” -St paul
Contrasting views about terrorism
The Maccabees used terrorism against authorities forcing them to give up judaism-If they hadn’t Judaism might not have survived
What is Radicalisation
Holding extreme views - a problem that can lead to terrorism
What is a Martyr
Someone who suffers violence or death for refusing to give up their faith
Examples of Martyrs
Oscar Romero
St Stephen
St Alban
Catholic views on Torture
-Illegal and a denial of human rights
-Goes against the sanctity of life
-Ineffective for information
Contrasting views on Torture
-Could save lives be preventing something worse, e.g a terrorist attack. It is the lesser of two evils
-Makes people more scared to commit crime
What are Two catholic Orgs that work for peace
-Pax Christi
-Justice and peace commission
What does Pax Christi do
-Gets involved in disputes early to prevent violence
-Encourages fairness and Justice
What does the Justice and Peace comission do?
-Campaigns to remove nuclear weapons
-Campaigns to reduce arms trade
-Raises awareness to human rights abuses
Quote to support catholic teachings on torture
“Torture…Is contary to respect for the person and for human dignity” -Catechism of the Catholic church
Quote to support Catholic teaching on WMD
“There is no such thing as a just war in a nuclear age” -Pope John 23rd