Religion, Origins & Beliefs Flashcards
When was Buddhism founded and who founded it?
c.483 BCE by Siddattha Gotama (the Buddha).
When was Christianity founded and who founded it?
30 CE by Jesus Christ.
Why do Christians believe Jesus died on a cross?
To save us from our sins.
When was Jesus baptised and who by?
Aged 30, Jesus was baptised in the River Jordan by John the Baptist.
What was Jesus’ occupation?
First a carpenter, later he became a teacher/preacher. He told stories (parables) and healed the sick.
What happened during the Last Supper?
Jesus told his followers to eat bread and drink wine in memory of him.
Who betrayed Jesus and where?
Judas Iscariot in the garden of Gethsemane.
What happened 3 days after Jesus was crucified?
Jesus rose from the dead and made several appearances to his followers during the next 40 days.
Why is Jesus important?
- The religion is based on his teachings.
- He died as a sacrifice for humankind’s sins.
- Resurrection gives hope there’s life after death.
- He set an example with his actions/taught people to do good.
- He was the Son of God.
What is the Holy Trinity made up of?
- The Father- Creator and Keeper of the Universe.
- The Son- God in human form on Earth (Jesus).
- The Holy Spirit- Presence in everyone’s life.
What are the Christian beliefs about what God is like?
- Omnipotent➡️Unlimited power.
- Omniscient➡️Understands and knows all.
- Benevolent➡️Completely caring and loving.
Define ‘soul’.
The spiritual part of a person that continues after death.
Define ‘resurrection of the body’.
The belief that God will raise everyone to life before the Judgement. Life after this will be in a perfect body that does not die.
Define ‘Judgement Day’.
The time when God will decide whether people go to Heaven of Hell.
Define ‘Heaven’.
Eternal life with God.
Define ‘Hell’.
Eternal separation from God.
Define ‘Purgatory’.
A place where souls go to be purified for their sins, before they go to Heaven- believed only by Catholic Christians.
Who was the Buddha before he was the Buddha?
The Buddha was born as Siddattha Gotama, a prince of Lumbini (modern-day Nepal).
What caused Siddattha’s father to keep him inside the palace walls?
Soothsayers predicted that Siddattha would see 4 signs that would show him his destiny was to leave royal life and become a great religious leader.
His father, the King, wanted Siddattha to follow him and become a great king so he kept his son inside the palace walls.
What were the four signs that the soothsayers predicted Siddattha would see?
- Illness.
- Old age.
- Death.
- A wandering holy man.
What question did Siddattha leave the palace to find out the answer to?
Siddattha resolved to leave the palace and search for the answer as to why there was so much suffering in the world.
What methods did Siddattha attempt before reaching enlightenment?
- Lived as a wandering holy man.
- Years with spiritual teachers.
- Lived for a while as an ascetic➡️starved himself until near death, subjected his body to many tortures.
How did the Buddha reach enlightenment?
At age 35, Siddattha sat under a bhodi tree and began meditating. After 49 days he achieved his goal of true enlightenment.
What happened during/due to the Buddha’s enlightenment?
- He came to understand the real nature of things & found answers to the questions that had been troubling him.
- Realised there was a Middle Way in life and that suffering was the result of the Three Marks of Existence.
- Realised the way to stop suffering was the Four Noble Truths.
Who visited the Buddha and told him to teach others.
He was visited by Brahma Sahampah (leader of the Hindu Gods).
He told the Buddha that people were like the lotus flower, and his teachings would make them open to the truth.
Why is the Buddha important?
- He founded the religion of Buddhism.
- He was the first person to achieve enlightenment.
- His teachings gave guidance to others and help them to achieve enlightenment.
- There are many examples of the Buddha’s good deeds that others can follow.
What are the similarities between Jesus and the Buddha?
- Both taught altruism (to be unselfish).
- Both taught the Golden Rule.
- Both urged people to lose self (although for different aims).
- Both reformed previously existing religions (Buddha reformed Hinduism, Jesus reformed Judaism).
What are the differences between Jesus and the Buddha?
- -Buddha taught existence of God was irrelevant, Jesus taught to have faith in God.
- Buddha was equal to other humans (denied divinity), Jesus was equal to God (asserted divinity).
- Jesus taught only path to God was through him, Buddha taught there were many paths to eliminating self.
- Jesus taught good vs. evil (dualism), Buddha taught dualism was an illusion.
- Buddha taught all sentient beings were equal, Jesus taught there was a clear hierarchy.
What are the Three Marks of Existence?
- Dukkha.
- Annica.
- Anatta.
What is Dukkha?
All things are flawed because they lead to suffering and a feeling of dissatisfaction.
What is Annica?
Nothing lasts forever; everything is impermanent.
What is Anatta?
Life forms have no permanent self or soul, everything changes emotions, conditions and experiences.
What are the Four Noble Truths?
- Dukkha.
- Tanha.
- Nirodha.
- Magga.
What is Dukkha as part of the Four Noble Truths?
Suffering and dissatisfaction is part of life; it cannot be avoided.
What is Tanha?
Suffering is caused by craving and desire.
What is Nirodha?
Craving can be overcome.
What is Magga?
Following the Noble Eightfold Path is the way to end suffering.
What is the Noble Eightfold Path made up of?
- Right understanding.
- Right thought.
- Right speech.
- Right action.
- Right livelihood.
- Right effort.
- Right mindfulness.
- Right concentration.
What is karma?
Good or bad karma is generated throughout each lifetime by a person’s experiences, thoughts, actions and deeds.
What is the Buddhist belief about life after death?
Buddhists believe that each person is born and dies many times, passing through many different lifetimes. This is sometimes referred to as the wheel of life and is called samsara.
How does karma affect rebirth?
If the total karma is good, the next lifetime will be better than if the karma was bad.
Why do Buddhists want to reach enlightenment?
The goal of Buddhists is to achieve enlightenment that will free them from the cycle of life, death and rebirth (moksha).
By achieving enlightenment Buddhists can experience the freedom of release from attachments to this world. This state is called nubbin and is the ultimate goal for all Buddhists.