Sarah - Mother of Issac
Abraham -USed to be called Abram
Potiphar - Put Joseph in charge of his household.
Rebecca - Wife of Isaac
Pharaoh - Had his dreams explained by Joseph
Joseph - Husband of Mary was visited by an angel in a dream and fled to Egypt
the Loyal Son - Was sold by his brothers into slavery
Jacob - His children and their children became known as the Twelve Tribes of Israel.
Isaac - was tricked into giving his blessing to Jacob
Noah - Was the first to share in an everlasting covenant with God.
2.) What is a blessing?
A blessing is a prayer that asks God to make something or someone holy.
Section 4:
Short response:
1.) How does God reveal himself to us? Explain ways to God’s revelation.
Ex: He reveals himself through his Son
in scriptures
the works of others.
2.) What happened at the Last Summer that still happens during the Mass today?
Discuss ways that racing the Eucharist can make a difference in your life?
Ex: Jesus shared a last meal with his friends and gave them his body and blood in the
form of bread and wine. At mass we celebrate the sacrificial meal nourished by his Body
and Blood.
3.) Explain why God established covenants throughout time. Discuss ways that
young people can keep their conveyance with God.
God loves his people and throughout timne has reached out to them to help them and to
lead them. His covenants are a sign of his love and fidelity.
4.) In the Old Testament account
Joseph have prayed to God in prayer? When do you sometimes praise God in
Joseph praised God because even though bad things happen to Joseph
God always
took care of him and brought him opportunities through the misfortunes. God rewarded
him for his fidelity and piety.