Religion Consepts Ch 6/7 Flashcards
What is the church year based on?
It is based on the life of Christ and the celebration of his life in the liturgy
What is the Paschal Mystery?
It is Jesus’s suffering, death, resurrection, and ascension into heaven.
What does the liturgical year begin with?
It begins with the season of advent in late November or early December
The season of advent is A time of…
Joyful preparation
What do we look forward to in advent?
We look forward to Christ’s second coming at the end of time.
What do we celebrate in advent?
We celebrate that christ comes into our lives every day
When does the season of Lent begin?
It begins on Ash Wednesday
What is the churches greatest and most important celebration? 
The Easter tritium
What does the word tritium mean?
It means three days.
From holy Thursday evening until Easter Sunday evening what do we remember and celebrate?
We remember the death of Jesus and celebrate his resurrection
When does the season of Easter begin and it continues until what day?
It begins on Easter Sunday evening and continues until Pentecost Sunday.
During the season of Easter what do we rejoice?
We rejoice in Jesus‘s resurrection and the new life we have in Christ.
What are the two parts of ordinary time that is celebrated?
The first part is between Christmas and Lent and the second part is between Easter and Advent.
Why is the season called ordinary time?
It is called ordinary time because the weeks are ordered
How long does ordinary time last?
It lasts 33 to 34 weeks