Religion Consepts Ch 6/7 Flashcards
What is the church year based on?
It is based on the life of Christ and the celebration of his life in the liturgy
What is the Paschal Mystery?
It is Jesus’s suffering, death, resurrection, and ascension into heaven.
What does the liturgical year begin with?
It begins with the season of advent in late November or early December
The season of advent is A time of…
Joyful preparation
What do we look forward to in advent?
We look forward to Christ’s second coming at the end of time.
What do we celebrate in advent?
We celebrate that christ comes into our lives every day
When does the season of Lent begin?
It begins on Ash Wednesday
What is the churches greatest and most important celebration? 
The Easter tritium
What does the word tritium mean?
It means three days.
From holy Thursday evening until Easter Sunday evening what do we remember and celebrate?
We remember the death of Jesus and celebrate his resurrection
When does the season of Easter begin and it continues until what day?
It begins on Easter Sunday evening and continues until Pentecost Sunday.
During the season of Easter what do we rejoice?
We rejoice in Jesus‘s resurrection and the new life we have in Christ.
What are the two parts of ordinary time that is celebrated?
The first part is between Christmas and Lent and the second part is between Easter and Advent.
Why is the season called ordinary time?
It is called ordinary time because the weeks are ordered
How long does ordinary time last?
It lasts 33 to 34 weeks
How many times is ordinary time celebrated?
Ordinary time is celebrated twice during the liturgical year
What color do we use for ordinary time?
We use the color green during it’s many weeks.
What does the color green of ordinary time remind us of?
In reminders of the life and hope that come from Christ
During the ordinary time what do we remember?
We remember all of the events and teachings of the life of Jesus Christ.
During what season do we concentrate  in a special way on the word of God?
The season of ordinary time.
On the Sundays and weekdays of ordinary time what do we read from?
We read from one of the gospels of the New Testament
Ordinary time is a time to what?
It is a time to grow as followers of Christ.
What is ordinary time an example of?
It is an example of the holy women and men who have given witness to Christ in their daily lives.
Where is a memorial for a Saint usually celebrate?
It is celebrated on or near the day he or she died.
What do feast celebrations recall?
They recall some of the events in the life of Jesus and Mary.
What is the most important celebration of all?
What were the solemnity come from?
It comes from the word solemn.
What is an important solemnity during ordinary time?
All saints day November 1
November 2 the church celebrate what day?
All Souls’ Day.
On all souls day what do we remember?
We remember all those have died especially those in our families and parishes.