Religion Chapter 24 Flashcards
What is the universal call that all Christians receive in God?
all Christians receive the universal call to holiness
What is meant by a vocation?
a call from God to a particular way of life in which a person can share Christ’s mission and reach holiness
What is the love between a married copule a sign of?
Christ’s love for his church and his union with it
What is the mission of bishops, priests and deacons?
to give jesus Christ to the world through word, sacrament, and service
what are the 3 vows that most religious make?
religious usually make vows of chastity, poverty and obedience
single people who live a vowed life belong to…
secular institutes
___ is the minister of the sacrament of matrimony for the bride
marraige vows bind a couple to each other in lifelong…
by the vow of ____ religious people promise to remain unmarried and chaste
a ____ has the fulness of priesthood
A priest’s greatest privilege is to preside at the ___
The power of priesthood is passed on from a bishop by the laying of the …
Christians must be Christ for the world in whatever ____ they follow
When do Christians receive the universal call?
What is the call to holiness?
to develop your talents to serve God better