religion bowl-quiz Flashcards
who said’ Nothing may have priority over the Liturgy’
St. Benedict
What does the Greek origin of the word ‘liturgy’ mean
public service
Who said, “ Do you not know the Christian exists for the Eucharist and the Eucharist for the Christians”
What time of prayer takes place in midmorning
When does the the Liturgical year begin
who said “someone who sings prays twice”
St. Augustine
What does the Greek origin of the word blessing mean
call to good
What does the official divines worship of the Church
The liturgy
When is the Christian consecrated
Holy Thursday
When is Pentecost
fifty days after Easter
What is the meaning of the Greek origin of the word ambo
To praise
What is the meaning of the Greek origin of the word Catechumenate
To profess
What is the only prerequisite for Baptism
what is the correct order of the times of prayer
Lauds, Terce, None, Compline
How many Sundays are there in Easter
What is the meaning of the Greek origin for the word Eucharist
How many Sundays are there during ordinary time
Which of the following time of prayer that places during the evening
Who said that churches [were] like harbors along the coast, so that you may take refuge there out of the swirl of earthly cares and find peace and quiet
St. John Chrysostom
Who told us “ our lives must be woven around the Eucharist
St. Francis de Sales
How many times does Alleluia appear in the Psalms
Which part of the Mass originated in the 8th century BC and is derived from the cry of the Angels in the Book of Isaiah
The Sanctus
In which book of the bible does the first Angus Dei appear
which of the following originated in the Greek liturgy and was transferred to the Latin rite without translation around the year 500
the prayer or song that begins with ‘Lord have mercy’
What is the meaning of the Latin origin for the word ‘tabernacle’
what is the name of the vessel that holds the consecrated Host on special occasions and adoration
Where did Jesus celebrate the Last Supper
upper room
According to St. Bernard of Clairvaux, what is a sign of sincere repentance
praying for the grace of reconciliation
during which sacrament is viaticum administered
Anointing of the Sick
In which Gospel does the prayer, “ Lord, i am not worthy to have you come under my roof, but only saw the word and my servant will be healed
Who said “ Penance is a Second Baptism, a baptism of tears
St. Bernard of Clairvaux
Who described the Eucharist as the medicine of immortality, the antidote for death?
St. Ignatius of Antioch
Who told us ‘ it is part of your vocation to shout the Gospel from the rooftops, not by words, but by your life
BL. Charles De Foucauld
What is the meaning of the Latin Root to the word absolution
to be absent from
What are essential element of every confession
Penance, Contrition, Examination of conscience
Besides Holy Orders, which is considered a sacrament of communion and mission
What is the meaning of the Greek origin of the word Deacon
Where is the Taize Community located
Burgundy, France
How often did the people of Israel interrupt their prayer
Who said…” Priestly ordination is administered as a means of salvation, not for an individual man, but rather for the whole Church
St. Thomas Aquinas
In which station does Veronica wipe the face of Jesus.
6th station
Who is called the “Apostle of Apostles”
Mary Magdalene
which of the following is a degree of the sacrament of Holy orders
In which Gospel did Jesus say, “ He who eats of flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and i will raise him up at the last day
Who said that” Our sharing in the Body and Blood of Christ has no other purpose other than to transform us into that we receive
Pope St. Leo the Great
In which Station does Jesus die on the cross
12 station
In which Gospel did Jesus say, “ If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained
Which feasts is the last Sunday of ordinary time
the feast day of Christ the King
Which of the following means that a sacrament carried out independently of the moral conduct or spiritual outlook of the minster
Ex operre operato