Religion And Science - Philosophy Flashcards
Cosmology relates to two _______ which are
• The Big Bang theory
• Evolution
What is the Big Bang theory?
Suggests there was a massive explosion about 18 billion years ago and this led to gases and and matter to fly out in all directions. This stuff formed the creation of the whole universe. Evidence of the theory is found by the most modern high-powered telescopes
The evolution theory was created by?
Charles Darwin
What is the evolutionary theory?
Life began with a simple cell and evolved and developed into the variety of plant and animal which is now on the earth. This happened by natural selection so they can adapt to the environment as it changes. It’s survival of the fittest..
What is literalism? When a Christian believes something literally?
When they believe the creation story and what is said in the bible about the 6 days of creation. They are creationists
Describe the creation story…
Day 1: light and dark Day 2: land and water Day 3: plants Day 4: sun, moon, stars Day 5: fish and birds Day6: animals and humans
What do Christians believe about the importance of people and animals?
They believe that people are made in the image of god and that they differ from animals because people have souls
What are Christian attitudes to animals and their treatment?
God gave them responsibility to care for animals and that as the animals are part of gods creation, they should be treated with respect and shouldn’t be harmed
What’s the Christian responses to environmental issues?
They believe god greater people to be ‘Stewards’ of the earth and this means they should show responsibility for the planet and take care of it and protect it
The study of the origin of the universe is called…
What is liberalism? When a liberal Christian things something?
Christians who accept some scientific theories and look on the bible accounts as myths (stories made up to explain difficult ideas)
What is the theory of intelligent design?
The theory that certain features of the universe are explained by an intelligent cause (God). The theory explains that the universe and all that’s in it did evolve- but god was the one that started it all
What are the two Christian views on eating animals for food?
- as long as they are slaughtered humanely and are not caused unnecessary pain.
- some feel that their role is to look after animals, so they are vegetarians
What do most Christians believe about the difference between animals and humans? What do some others think?
Humans have souls so they are superior, they believe this soul is reunited with God when they die
All life is created by god so we should treat them equally with respect
What do most Christians think about using animals for medical research (vivisection)?
They think its fine as long as it relieves human suffering
Some say it’s wrong tho as they are responsible for animals
In the past, many Christians haven’t been worried about what has been happening to the planet. But today there is more of an awareness and Christians believe it is their duty to look after the planet. This means they need to be ________
What does being a steward mean?
People responsible for resources and should do everything they can to protect the environment
What are some environmental issues that Christians might be concerned about?
- Global warming
- Pollution
- Exhausting the world’s resources
- Burning fossil fuels
- Deforestation
- too much rubbish in landfill(decomposition releases gases)
- human damage - war
- wasting resources- people buying too much stuff like food
What might Christians do to show stewardship? Name 3.
- Recycle things and encourage other people to do the same
- Use cars with low emissions or use public transport
- use products that don’t contain harmful CFCs to prevent destruction of the Ozone layer
- Join an organisation such as Friends of the Earth that works for the good of the environment
- Recycle, never waste food
What’s the evidence for the Big Bang theory?
- we can actively measure galaxies moving away at a great speed form the centre of the universe (redshift)
- Radiation was discovered left behind an after effect from the Big Bang
Name a scientist today that is working to find out more about how the universe began…
Stephen Hawking
What are the problems/limitations of the Big Bang theory? Name 2
- It doesn’t explain where most of the elements came from
- it happened millions of years ago before human existence or memory
- there are still many gaps in the theory - no ultimate proof
What part/book of the bible is the creation of the universe in?
What’s the sentence that helps u remember what happens on each day?
Lions do sometimes eat old people sloppily. Men sometimes bake fresh apple pie.
Lions - light Do - dark Sometimes - sky Eat- Earth Old - ocean People - plants Sloppily - sun
Men - moon Sometimes - stars Bake - birds Fresh - fish Apple - animals Pie - people