Religion and Science Flashcards
How old do scientists believe the world is?
4.5 billion years old
What is the big bang?
An explosion which formed all the matter in the universe
What is the evidence for the big bang?
- Red shift
- Background radiation
What is evolution?
The belief that everything evolved over billions of years
Who wrote ‘On the origin of species’?
Charles Darwin
What is the creation found in Genesis?
God created the world in 6 days and on the 7th he rested.
What is a quote for the biblical creation?
- ‘In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth’
- ‘God saw that it was good’
What do creationists believe?
- The world was created in 6 days
- The world is around 6,000 years old
Which two main denominations of Christianity believe in evolution and the big bang?
Church of England and Catholics
What is the Anthropic principal?
The belief that God started evolution and the big bang
What is a quote to shows that religion and science can work together?
- ‘Science gives man knowledge, religion gives man wisdom.’ Martin Luther King
- ‘Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind’ Albert Einstein
What is a quote to show religion vs science?
‘Science is what you know, religion is what you do not know.’ Bertrand Russell
What ways do Christians believe that using animals is acceptable? (3)
- Medical testing
- Food
- Farming
What ways do Christians believe is an unacceptable way to use animals? (3)
- Hunting for pleasure (not for food)
- Cosmetic testing
- For fur
What do Quakers believe about Christians and the environment?
‘The air, sea, earth, forests, animals and ourselves are all intimately connected’
What is a quote for Dominion?
- ‘Fill the earth and subdue it’
- ‘I now give you everything’
What is a quote for Stewardship?
- ‘The earth is The Lord’s and all that is in it’
- ‘The man gave names to all the livestock’
What is anti-vivisection?
The belief that all experiments on animals is wrong, including medical/scientific
What is vivisection?
Experimenting on animals for scientific/medical pruposes is fine
What is the festival that Christians celebrate to show their concern for the earth?
Harvest Festival
What did John Paul 2 say about the environment?
‘The earth and all life on it is a gift from God given to us to share and develop, not to dominate and exploit.’