Religion and morality Flashcards
what does sanctity of life mean?
all life is sacred ( muslims and christians)
what does quality of life mean?
a measurement of fullfilment
what does conception mean?
the moment sperm fertilizes the egg.
what does quickening mean?
first detectable movement of a foetus
what does ensoulment mean?
at some moment in a foetus’ life, it receives its soul
What is fertility treatment?
A medical procedure to assist an infertile couple to have children.
What is In Vitro Ferilisation?
IVF is a scientific method of making a woman pregnant which does not involve sex. Conception occurs via sperm and egg being placed in a test tube.
What is Artificial Insemination
AI or Artificial Insemination is sperm which is medically inserted into the vagina to assist pregnancy.
What is AIH?
AIH is Artificial insemination using a husband’s sperm.
What is AID?
AID is Artificial Insemination using a donor sperm.
What does surrogacy mean?
When a fertilised egg is implanted into another woman’s womb.
What is transplant surgery?
When someone else’s organs are put into a patient.
What is a blood transfusion?
When a patient is given extra blood as part of an operation.
What is Human Genetic Engineering?
The modification of gene make-up to change the features of a human.
What is embryology?
The study of human embryos.