Religion and Medical Ethics Flashcards
What is the Sanctity of life?
x Many Christians believe that human life is sacred because it has been created by God
x Christians believe that God created humans as special creatures
x ‘God created mankind in his own image’
x Christians believe that life belongs to God and therefore only God has the right to take life
What is Abortion?
x Abortion is the deliberate termination of a pregnancy by the removal and destruction of the foetus
x Two doctors need to give consent for an abortion to be legal in the UK
x In the UK, abortion is legal providing that the pregnancy has not exceeded its twenty-fourth week, and the risk of terminating the pregnancy is not as big as the continuance of the pregnancy (injury to the mother or child)
What is Euthanasia?
x Euthanasia literally means good death
x It is a very controversial topic with cases of terminally ill patient
x Euthanasia is illegal in the UK but not in other places like Switzerland
What are the types of Euthanasia?
x Voluntary Euthanasia: the patient decides when to end their life (assisted suicide)
x Involuntary Euthanasia: when a doctor decides when someone’s life should end
x Passive Euthanasia: when the patient requests that treatment should be stopped (legal in the UK)
x Active Euthanasia: when action is taken to bring life to an end, for example lethal dose of drugs
What are Christian views on abortion?
x The Bible does not mention abortion
x The Roman Catholic Church teaches that babies have a soul from the moment of conception
x The Roman Catholic Church teaches that abortion is a great moral evil, and the same as murder, it is not permitted in any circumstances
x The Church of England teaches that abortion is only acceptable in exceptional circumstances e.g. the mothers life is at risk
What does a ‘Soul’ mean?
x The non-physical part of a person that may or may not go to heaven when the person dies
What is fertility treatment?
x Fertility treatment is the medical assistance given to people who wang babies but cannot have them
What types of fertility treatment are available?
x In vitro fertilisation (IVF): fertilisation happens in a test tube, embryo is then placed inside the woman. More than one egg is fertilised, and many christians are concerned about these spare embryos
x Sperm or egg donor: sometimes one partner cannot produce healthy sperm or egg, and may be used from someone else, some christians believe this goes against the idea that marriage is exclusive
What is the Doctrine of double effect?
x If doing something morally good has a morally bad side effect, it is right to do providing that the bad side effect was no intended
What is an Ectopic pregnancy?
x When a foetus starts to grow in a Fallopian tube rather than the womb
What is a miscarriage?
x When a baby is aborted through natural causes
What is AID?
x Artificial insemination by donor
What is AIH?
x Artificial insemination by husband
What are Christian beliefs on Embryo research?
x Scientists claim that by studying and using cells in a human embryo is a better way to prevent and cure various illnesses
x Sanctity of life, some christians believe that some embryo research is an abuse of the gift of life given by God
x The Roman Catholic Church opposes all embryo research
x The Church of England support embryo research up to 14 days
What is cloning?
x The making of a replica
What is reproductive cloning?
x Cloning to produce an identical human baby
x Done by fusing the nucleus of one cell with the unfertilised egg of a donor
x Theoretically possible to clone humans, but many christians see this as playing God
What is therapeutical cloning?
x Cloning certain tissues and stem cells that can be used in medical treatment
What is suicide?
x Suicide is when someone takes their own life
What are Christian beliefs on suicide?
x Suicide is an immoral, criminal offence against God
x In the past those who committed suicide were denied a Christian burial
x Most Christian churches still believe suicide is wrong, but are more understanding of why someone would take their life
x The Samaritans was set up in 1953 as a 24 hour telephone helpline for those who have suicidal thoughts
What is a hospice?
x A place where terminally ill patients are cared for
What is palliative care?
x Care for a terminally ill patient to help them die in as much comfort as possible
What are Christian beliefs on animal rights?
x Christians believe that humans are made in the image of God
x They believe that humans have been given control over animals (Dominion)
x ‘Let us make mankind in our own image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground’
x Most Christians believe animals do not have souls
x Most Christians are not vegetarians and see nothing wrong with eating meat
What is Stewardship?
x Christians believe that God left humans the earth to look after on his behalf
What is vivisection?
x Experimentation on live animals
What are Christian beliefs on animal experimentation?
x Christians believe that animals do not have a soul like humans but still believe that it is not right to be cruel to animals
x Christians believe God has place humans as stewards of the earth
x Christians recognise that humans may benefit from animal experiments
What are some other beliefs on animal experimentation?
x Some people understand its importance to help us, animal experimentation has led to vaccines for tuberculosis
x Some people argue that humans and animals are so genetically different that we do not benefit from experimentation