religion and life Flashcards
what do Christians believe about the origins of the universe
refer to liberal and fundamental Christians
believe universe was created and designed by God from nothing. they use the story of genesis. some fundamental Christians believe genesis was described literally. others believe days represent long periods of time. liberal Christians believe main message is god made the universe and might look to science to understand how God did this
what do Muslims believe about the origins of the universe
believe also was created by God from nothing. Believe days refer to long periods of time. God organises universe to his command, creation continues with every new life today
what do Muslims & Christians believe about big bang theory
many Muslims & Christians believe in the big band theory. Muslims support this as it provides greater u understanding of God
how do Christians and Muslims view the world
gives a sense of awe and wonder as it contains everything for animals and humans
why do Muslims see damaging the world a sin
see the world as a place of worship given by God, damaging the world is a serious sin similar to damaging a mosque, meaning its a Muslims duty to look after the enviroment
whats dominion and who is it regarded by
Christians are taught dominion was given by God where God gave humans power and authority to take charge of the earth
whats stewardship and who is it regarded by
Muslims believe humans are given the role of stewardship (khalifah - caring) for the environment
whats awe and wonder
awe - devout respect for Gods power of creation
wonder - marvelling complexity of the universe
what do Muslims and Christians believe about the use of natural resources
believe they should avoid waste and conserve energy and resources, for example using reusable bags, turning off electricity sources, recycling etc.
what does Christianity teach about eating animals
no specific rules
what do Muslims teach about eating food
hunting for food is okay but not in front of other animals, only some meat is allowed e.g. pigs not. Animals are slit by the neck in the name of God. Hunting not allowed
what do Christians believe about animal testing.
believe testing should be done for essential human needs with respect. They refer to dominion stating animals are below humans and that humans are superior
what do Muslims believe about animal testing
believe testing should be done for essential human needs with respect. believe not essential needs shouldn’t require animal testing
what ae the abortion laws in the UK
1990 human fertilisation and embryology act
abortion must take place in first 24 weeks, unless mothers life at risk or child severely deformed. Two doctors must make a decision over certain conditions
what do general Christians believe about abortion
Believe in sanctity of life, abortion is against Gods plan and destroying Gods creation however its okay if baby will have poor quality of life or its the kindest thing for the mother