Religion and Life Flashcards
Origins/values of the universe (Christian)
- Genesis (God created the universe)
- ‘Fill the earth and subdue it - Rule over the fish in the sea’
- ‘Every human act of irresponsibility to creatures is an abomination’
Origins of the universe (Buddhist)
Poisoned Arrow Story
Abuse of the environment (C&B)
Christian: Dominion - ‘fill the earth and subdue it’
Buddhist: ‘always think compassion’, ahimsa
Abuse of animals (C&B)
Christian: ‘Every… act of irresponsiblity to creatures is an abomination’, ‘Everything that lives and moves will be food for you’
Buddhist: Cycle of samsara/Dependent Arising, ahimsa, suffering is caused by greed
Abortion/Euthanasia (C&B)
Christian: ‘Destruction is murder’, ‘All the days ordained for me were written in your book’
Buddhist: First Moral Precept, ahimsa
Death and the afterlife (C&B)
Christian: ‘Whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life’
Buddhist: ‘At the hour of death the king and the beggar are the same - if the beggar has credited more merits… he is really the rich man’, Cycle of samsara