Religion and it's divisions Flashcards
5 Key features of catholicism:
Indulgences, Latin bibles, Transubstantiation, Ornate decoration, Priests are divine
5 Key features of protestantism:
Salvation through prayer only, English bibles & services, Consubstantiation, Plain decoration, Priests are ordinary
Significance of Martin Luther:
95 thesis set the blue print for protestantism in 1517
Act in restraint of appeals:
1533- Henrys official break with Rome to become head of the church and divorce Catherine
The Gunpowder plot:
1605- attempt by Guy Fawkes to blow up the Houses of Parliament as a precursor to a Catholic uprising. Potentially a gov. conspiracy to fuel anti catholic sentiment.
Consequences of the plot:
Catholics could no longer vote, serve in the army, or become lawyers
Anti Catholicism prior to 1605:
‘Book of Martyrs’- John Fox
Act of uniformity in 1559- compulsory CofE attendance
Spanish war & 30 years war- bred animosity
May 1603- James orders a collection of recusancy fines
Examples of the development of Armianism under James:
- William Laud the Arminian cleric having greater presence in the theological debates in court
- James’ endorsement/allowance of Richard montagus anti calvinist books
- Many Arminians in James’ court
Examples of Charles favouring Arminianism:
- Marriage to Henrietta Maria, a French catholic
- Support of R Monatgu (appointment as Royal Chaplain)
- Charles lack of connect with the political nation fuelled the conspiracy mentality that catholics and arminians had control and were subverting the king
- York house conference, a theological debate for the king that he does not attend