Religion and cosmology Flashcards
Emile Durkheim- 1912
Elementary forms of religious life
Clifford Geertz- 1973
The interpretation of cultures
Humphrey and Laidlaw- 1994
Archetypal actions
Engelke- 2004
Text and performance in an African Church: The Book, “live and direct”
Evans- Pritchard- 1937
Witchcraft, oracles and magic among the Azande
Jamieson- 2008
Sorcery, ghostly attack and the presence and absence of shamans among the Ulwa and Miskilu of Eastern Nicaragua
Weber- 1905
The protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism
Edgar and Henig- 2010
Istikhara: the guidance and practice of Islamic dream incubation
Mair- 2004
Oboo tahigla
Bloch- 1992
Prey into hunter: the politics of religious experience
Chapman- 1982
Drama and power in a hunting society
Willerslev- 2009
The optimal sacrifice: A study of voluntary death among the Siberian Chukchi
Hertz- 1960
Death and the right hand
Laidlaw- 2005
A life worth leaving: fasting to death as telos of a Jain religious life
Cannell- 2005
The Christianity of anthropology