Religion and Belief systems in Australia post-1945 Flashcards
understanding the dreaming?
A spiritual aspect of Aboriginal religion encapsulating spiritual and physical dimensions.
- Kinship
- Totems
- Ceremonial life
- land
obligations to the land?
Inextricable connection to the land
1. Medium for spirituality
2. Rituals
3. Land is a meeting pot
- Separation from land, land loss = loss of identity
Early features of the impact of Imperialism and colonialism
1788 - Terra Nullius with arrival of European settlers
1800s-1850s - Systemic ethnic, culture cleansing and genocide of Aboriginal people
Separation from kinship groups features - policy
1938, ‘policy of protection’: destroying kinship, gender roles, culture and language, ceremony and tradition.
1901, ‘policy of assimilation’: policy of ethnic and cultural cleansing of indigenous populations, removing groups and individuals from their families, destroying kinship ties..
1800s-1900s, Stolen generations - Forced separation of indigenous children from families systematically, part of an ethnic cleansing campaign within Australian government.
Features of the Mabo decision - 1992
- High court of Australia to indigenous property rights recognised by the court as handed in Mabo decision 1992.
- Ruling had rejected idea of ‘terra nullius’ forcibly established european colonial settlement.
- overturning terra nullius gave birth to native title, ruling high court in favour of mabo and the merriam people of murray islands.
Features of native title - 1993
- pariliament passed act in 1993, stating traditional rights and aboriginal interests but how they couldn’t reign over private property.
- Passed by keating government, legislation allowed strategy to native title grants.
Wikk - 1996
- continuation of fight for native title which began with mabo, witnessesing people arguing pastoral leases granted over their area didn’t extinguish their rights to land
- 1996, high court handed down the judgment, native title could co-exist under claim by wik people, in any conflict, pastrolists rights would prevail.
Native title amendment act, 1998, ten point plan
- Abolished right of native title caimants on negotiation with government for land
- Legislation which was to transfer to power to upgrade leasehold title to freehold title.
Changing patterns in religious adherence
- Religious decline in Australia
- Christianity most dominant declining
- Judaism and buddhism no decrease but have stagnated in growth
- religious growth through immigration over past 25 years with islam, hinduism and new age religions
nature of immigration in Australia?
- Post WWII (1945) migration from britain brought flow of christianity, migration from europe brought 30,000 Jewish people.
- White policy Australia (1960-73)
- 1975 - Asian migration increased influnece of conflict such as vietnam conflict
- Denominational switching, rise of new age religions and secularism.
Movement for dialogue amongst christian variants
Ecumenical movements
- National Council Churhces Australia (NCCA)
- NCCA - Australian churches refugee task force.
- New South Wales Ecumenical council (NSWEC)
- domestic violence process
- commission on middle east
Interfaith dialogue?
Discussion amongst differing religious cultures to bring understanding and peace amongst each other.
Interfaith - Australian Councils of Christians and Jewish people (1991)
- Aims create dialogue and understanding amongst christian and judaism
-founded in 1991.
Reconciliation in relation to Aboriginal spiritualities
A long and difficult process requiring recognition of past wrong-doings involved in destruction or aboriginal spiritualities