religion Flashcards
divine authorship
God’s word written through the regency of Human authors.
bibical inerrancy
the belief that the bible is withour error or fault in all its teachings.
the collection of books that comprise the sacred scriptures or bibles of Jesus and christians.
the old testament was written in
Hebrew and some arabic
the new testament was written in
translation of the bible to latin. initiated by Saint jerome
spiritual sense
goes beyond and deeper than the literal sense.
scholars translating the Hebrew scriptures to greek
new American bible
translation to english
literal sense
meaning conveyes by words discovered by exegesis. the obvious meaning and the plain sense.
allegorical sense
how the people, events, and things in the literal sense point to the mysteries of God and our spiritual lives.
moral sense
the search for what it means to live a just and ethical life, how the passage from scripture helps us to live in a right relationship with God, neighbor, self, and creation.
anagogical sense
investigates realities and events in terms of their eternal significance, shows in what way the story leads us to our future heavenly home.
bibical criticism/exegesis
using science to explain the Bible
textual criticism
deals with the text; concerned with finding the most original texts written by the human authors and creating authentic translations.
historical criticism
considers the historical setting of the text
literary criticism
considers the literary forms utilized in the text and how those are used to convey the deeper meaning of thetext.
source criticsm
concerns intself with other writings the human author drew on in writing his book and how the bible stories compare to other ancient writings.
criteria for NT canon
- apostolic origin
- universal acceptance
- litergical use
- consistency w ith the teaching of Jesus handed down the apostles and Jewish tradition.
jepd theory