Religiom Flashcards
Beatitudes are compared to
Popular wisdom common sense
The beatitudes of cheeses are different because
They directed us along paths of where we would not normally except to find happiness
The blessing or happiness we will find in living these beatitudes is found
Here on earth and in ternal life with God in heaven
The common link between the 10 Commandments and the beatitudes is
On the path to the kingdom of heaven
Poor in spirt
Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted
Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth
Hunger and thirst for righteousness
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. For they shall be satisfied
Blessed are the merciful for they shall be open to forgiveness
Pure in heart
Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall be committed to God and others
Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall avoid arguments and misunderstandings
Persecuted for righteousness sake
Lesson at a few persecuted for righteousness sake for they shall fix injustice