Reliefs, charges and exemptions Flashcards
When does the degrouping charge apply?
A company leaves a gains group less than or equal to 6 years of receiving an asset in a no gain, no loss transfer
It still owns the asset at the date it leaves the group
How is a degrouping charge applied?
The charge is added to the share proceeds
How is the degrouping charge calculated?
It is equal to the gain that would have been made if the asset was sold to a third party not transferred within the group
When does the substantial shareholding exemption apply?
When there is a disposal of shares, where the seller has more than 10% shares for 12 months of the last 6 years
And the shares are in a trading company, or the holding company of a trading group
What does the substantial shareholding exemption mean for proceeds of shares?
They are exempt
What does SSE mean for the degrouping charge?
If SSE applies, proceeds are exempt and therefore so is the degrouping charge.
When is roll over relief applicable?
When an asset is sold and the proceeds are used to buy an asset 12 months before or 36 months after.
How many gains groups can you be in?
How many losses groups can you be in?
As many as you want.
Who can be in a VAT group?
Anyone with more than 50% control. Direct or indirect.
Can extend from an individual, partnership or company
Capital gains for individuals
What is the formula for quoted share valuation?
Higher quoted price+lower quoted price
How much is AEA? When is it used?
Individuals capital gains returns
Can the AEA be carried forward each year?
No you get one a year and can only use one a year
When is the basic tax point?
When the goods are delivered
When is the basic tax point overridden?
The invoice or cash received prior to the goods.
Unless invoice is received within 14 days of the delivery.
Cash takes priority
When working out the VAT recoverable of the overheads in partial exemption do you round up or down?
When does rent a room relief apply?
When the person lives in their home with someone paying rent
How much is rent a room relief?
Half where more than one share the home
Does rent a room relief prevent other reliefs?
Yes cannot use property allowance on this property
When can you ask to join the pension scheme?
Between £6,240 and £10,000
How are occupational scheme pension contributions dealt with?
Net pay arrangement so deduct from employment income
How are personal scheme pension contributions dealt with?
HMRC pay in an extra 20% so extend the income bands by the grossed up amount
What is the maximum amount of annual tax-relievable pension contributions?
Higher of £3600 and (employment income and trading profits)
What does annual allowance do for pension contributions?
Caps them at 60k - can be carried forward for three years
What is the tax free amount when drawing a pension?
25% of lower of fund and lifetime allowance £1,073,100
How is a specific entertaining allowance taxed?
Specific allowance - actual expenses = tax on net amount
How is a round sum allowance taxed?
Tax on amount - any expenses that would be allowable
What rate is used for mileage on NIC calcs?
45p per mile for all miles
Mileage rate for motorcycle
Mileage rate for bicycle
How are cash vouchers taxed under employment income?
Taxed at the amount that can be claimed
How are credit tokens taxed under employment income?
Taxable amount is the cost to the employer
How are vouchers exchangeable for goods and services taxed under employment income?
Taxable amount is the cost to the employer less anything paid by the employee
How is non job related accommodation taxed?
If owned
Annual value + (Cost - 75k)*2.25% - employee contributions
If rented
Higher of annual value or rent paid
- employee contributions
Living expenses are taxable income but what is job related accomodation
Limited to 10% of employees earnings and other non-accommodation benefits
Cars for private use tax
List price - capital contribution capped at 5k * CO2% - running cost
What is private fuel benefit?
27800 * co2
Do not take into consideration employee contributions
Tax on company vans
Taxable benefit = £3,960 or £0 if zero-emission
Additional private fuel benefit = £757
Assets available for private use tax?
Taxable benefit = 20% of the market value (MV) when first provided
If the employee subsequently acquires the asset, the additional taxable benefit is the greater of
- Market value at the time of employee acquisition, OR
– The original market value less the cumulative taxable benefit to date for the employee
Tax on cheap loans for employees
Taxable benefit = loan value × 2.25% – actual interest paid
Tax on loan write offs
Taxed on amount written off
Salary sacrifice - The taxable value of benefits where cash has been sacrificed is the higher of:
– the taxable value (using the benefits code); and
– the value of the cash sacrificed.
The taxable amount is treated as a benefit and subject to Class 1A NICs
When are the badges of trade used?
To determine if something is a capital gain or trading income
What are the badges of trade? 9
Intention to make a profit
Number of similar transactions
Nature of the asset
Connection with existing trade
Changes to the asset
Reasons for sale
Source of finance
Period of ownership
Method of acquisition
What is the trading allowance?
£1000 allowable but then cannot use expenses
Are donations allowable in adjusting profits?
No only small donations to local charities and stock/plant gifted to charities/schools
What fines and penalties are allowed?
Only parking fines incurred by employees in the course of the business
What legal and professional fees relating to CAPEX are allowable?
Legal costs on renewing short leases (<50yrs)
Costs of registering patents / copyright
Incidental costs of raising debt finance
What employment payments are disallowed?
Redundancy payments on cessation of trade in excess of 4 x statutory redundancy
What is disallowed for car leasing?
Any element relating to private use
15% of the lease cost if over 50kg CO2
The trader is taxed on the —– price of goods taken for own use
Selling price
How many years of expenditure can you claim pre commencement of trade?
7 years
What are the business use of home expenses?
Numbers of hours worked Monthly adjustment
25-50 £10
51-100 £18
101 or more per month £26
How is use of business premises as a home dealt with?
Reduce the allowable costs of the business premises by the figures in the following table
Number of occupants Monthly adjustment
1 £350
2 £500
3 or more £650
What is the 6 step process for calculating 23/24 trading income when moving from basis to tax period?
Step 1: Calculate the profit/loss of the standard part of the basis period
Step 2: Calculate the profit/loss of the transition part of the basis period
Step 3: Deduct overlap profits from Step 2 (the transition part)
Step 4: Add together the results from Steps 1 and 3
– If Step 3 and/or 4 results in nil, or a loss, this is the total profit/loss for the basis period
– Otherwise continue to Step 5
Step 5: Calculate the total transition profit, which is the lower of:
– The Step 3 amount
– The Step 4 amount
Usually 20% of the total transition profit will be assessable as it is spread equally over five tax years starting with 2023/24 (unless an election is made to accelerate the charge)
Step 6: 2023/24 taxable profit is:
– Step 5, if Step 1 gave nil or a loss
– Step 1 + 5, if Step 1 gave a profit
4 steps to tax transitional profits
Calculate the income tax liability on the individual’s net income excluding the transition profits (Amount A)
Calculate the income tax liability on their income including the transition profits (Amount B)
Amount B less Amount A = income tax liability relating to the transition profits (Amount C)
Total income tax liability = Amount A + Amount C
What is structures and buildings allowance?
Relief on commercial buildings and structures built after 29/10/18
Doesn’t include the cost of the land
3% straight line allowance
What goes into the main pool?
All machinery, F & F, and equipment
Vans, forklifts, lorries, motorcycles
Cars with emissions between 1-50g/km
2nd hand zero emission cars
What goes into special rate pool?
Long life assets (over 25 year useful life and over 100k spend)
Thermal insulation and solar panels
Integral features
Cars with emissions over 50g/km
What is the max AIA and what can it be used on?
Use on plant and machinery but not cars
What qualifies for FYA?
New electric cars
New zero emission goods vehicles
R & D capital expenditure
Electric charge points
P & M to use in a designated enterprise zone
What counts as a small pool?
Less than £1000 after transfers but before WDA.
Can be scaled up or down for long or short periods.
How are capital allowances different for sole trade and ltd?
Private use is not taken into account in Ltd BUT it is in sole trade (they have there own column and only get business % of allowance.
What is the benefit of depooling a short life asset?
Could get a balancing allowance at sale
What do you do if a short life asset is held for more than 8 years?
Transfer the remaining amount to the main pool
Pre trading capital expenditure is allowed but…
It gets the rate of the allowances at the date of purchase not the date they are included in the trade ie day 1.
What is different for capital allowances on cessation?
Any items acquired are added to bf
Disposal value of assets is entered and then balancing charges applied
Assets taken by owner are treated at market rate
What happens with the structures and buildings allowance on sale of the asset?
The seller will time apportion their relief up to the date of disposal there are no balancing adjustments on disposal.
The seller will need to increase their proceeds on disposal by the SBA claimed to date for the purposes of calculating the chargeable gain on disposal.
The new owner takes over the remaining allowances over the remainder of 331
/3-year period.
[] Their relief continues to be based on 3% of the original cost of the asset and there is no uplift for any increase in value.
Unincorporated trading loss arising in a tax year may be set against…
General income in the same year before personal allowance
General income in prior year before personal allowance
Trading profits in future years
Current year capital gains after general income
What are opening year loss relief?
Losses made in the first 4 years of trade can be set against total income in the 3 years prior.
Before personal allowance so all or nothing
Loss relief against trading income reduces
Income tax and NI
Loss relief against non-trading income reduces
income tax , set against future NIC
How does terminal loss work?
Losses in the final tax year can be set against the prior 3 years
Non-active traders restrictions
If individual doesn’t spend 10 hours on the trade then loss restricted to £25k per tax year.
Remaining loss is carried forward to use against future profits.
How do you calculate the limit on level of trading losses able to be set against non-trading income?
Higher of £50k or 25% of adjusted total income
How to calculated adjusted total income?
Income plus Give As You Earn charitable donations, less gross personal pension
4 steps to allocate the partnership profits
1 Adjust profit
2 Deduct capital allowances
3 Allocate the salaries and interest on capital
4 Split the rest between partners and periods if required
When allocating profit in partnerships you must check for?
Notional loss/profit that needs reallocating to other partners
Salaried members of an LLP are treated as
Is there restrictions to loss relief in limited liability partnerships?
Yes, total lifetime loss relief is restricted to amount of capital invested
Can be used against trade profits
When can a business use cash basis?
When: unincorporated business
Receipts are less then £150,000
Must leave if £300k in previous tax year
Differences between cash and accruals basis
Capital allowances not a thing
Just tax and expense as the asset is sold/purchased
Goods taken for own use at cost price not sales
Bad debts is not a thing
No restriction on car lease payments
Interest payments are allowed
Ceasing to use an asset is treated as taxable receipt
Ceasing to trade - stock and WIP treated as a taxable receipt
How do you elect to use cash basis?
Tick the box on the tax return
Cash basis is default for …Can you elect to use acrruals?
Property income for unincorporated property business with cash receipts not exceeding £150,000
You can elect but has to be done every year
When ceasing to use cash basis what do you do with plant and machinery not fully paid for?
The remaining amount goes under capital allowances
How does the cash basis effect income tax?
No qualifying interest relief on a loan to invest in a partnerships if the partnership is taxed on cash basis
How does the cash basis effect VAT?
If trader uses cash basis for income tax they must do the same for VAT
What £ is the AEA and who gets it?
Individual people
Capital losses can be used against …
Current year losses but lose AEA
Excess carried forward and used after AEA
An individual is connect with their
Direct relatives and their spouses
Direct relatives of their spouse
Business partners and their spouses/relatives
Companies they control
Disposals made with connected persons are always at ______
Market value except souse which is made at NGNL
Losses arising on disposal to a connected personal can only be used against
future gains from that person
Share matching rules for individuals
Same day
Next 30
Share pool
For capital gains of quoted shares for individual
Use middle of quoted prices
When is CGT due?
31st Jan after tax year of disposal
Payment by 10 instalments are available for gains on
gift of land
shares in a company you control
When is cgt due for disposal of UK residential property?
60 days of the disposal
What is private residence relief?
Relief on capital gain on individuals home
How do you calculate private residence relief?
Gain on disposal * (Actual or deemed period of occupation/total ownership)
What counts as deemed occupations for private residence relief?
Last 9 months - if occupied at some point
Up to 3 years for any reason - if lived before and after
Up to 4 years whilst working elsewhere - if occupied at some point
Any period when working overseas - if occupied at some point
Up to 24 months whilst prevents e.g. being built or altered
Deemed occupied rules don’t count when
Partly occupied and partly business
Letting relief is available for
Owner of a property whilst they let out part of the house they live in
Letting relief is the lower of
Gain exempt under PRR
Gain in let period
In divorce proceedings if a spouse moves out prior to giving up their interest it is deemed…
occupied time
Spouses can only have ——- private residence
How long do you have to elect a private residence if you have two homes?
2 years
What does roll over relief do?
Defers payment of tax on gains
Who is rollover relief available to?
Everyone - individuals and companies
How does rollover relief work?
Calculate gain as normal,
Actual gain is the amount not reinvested
Rollover relief is the balance between the two
When must rollover relief be claimed by?
Within 4 years
How does non-business use affect rollover relief?
Cannot claim non-business use
What qualifies for business property relief?
[] Chargeable assets used in a business
Shares in trading company (need a minimum 5% holding if quoted)
How is relief given?
Deducted from receiver base cost
What do you need to gift relief?
A joint election within 4 years of the tax year
What is the calculation of gift relief restriction?
Gain ×
(Chargeable business assets/
Chargeable assets)
Business asset disposal relief
Gains at 10%
Needs ownership of more than 2 years
Qualifying disposals - whole of substantial part of an unqualified business
- assets on an unincorporated business sold less than 3 years after ceassation of trade
-Shares in a trading company as an employee or over 5% holding
What is investors relief?
[] New shares issued on/after 17th March 2016 and held for ≥ 3 years
The company must be an unquoted trading co
The investor cannot have worked for the company
Lifetime limits of BADR and Investors relief?
BADR is £1m
Investors reief = £10m
What does a personal company mean?
Share holding is at least 5%
If it ceases to be a personal company what are the options for BADR?
2 Elections:
Deemed disposal and re-acquisition at MV (Claimed less than 1 year after 31 Jan following end of tax year)
Defer the gain until a future disposal of shares (Election needs to be made within 4 years of deemed disposal and relief claimed less than 1 year after 31 Jan following end of tax year)
What order do you apply gift relief and business asset disposal relief?
Gift first
What 2 things could deem you domiciled in the UK?
UK resident 15 out of last 20 years
Born in UK with UK domicile origin and are a resident
Tax free benefits for employees who work abroad include
Cost of board and lodgings paid by the employer
Return trips home paid by the employer
For absences of 60 days or more travelling expenses for 2 visits for a spouse and minor child
DTR is calculated on a
source by source basis
Remittance basis is available to
Resident non domiciled
What does remittance basis mean?
Lose personal allowance and annual exempt amount
Remitted income all goes as non-savings
Remittance basis charge
30k 7 out of 9 years
60k 12 out of 14
Does the automatic remittance basis have the same effects as electing?
No you don’t lose tax free amounts or pay RBC
Can remittance basis be for either income or gains?
No it is for both or neither
Non-residents disposing of UK residential property
3 methods for gain calc
Default (Proceeds - 5/4/15 cost)
Time apportionment (Proceeds - org cost then take post 5/4/15 gain)
Retrospective (Proceeds - org cost)
Is private residence relief different for over seas?
Yes must be living in the UK or in the property for at least 90 days of each tax year
What is a property rich asset?
A property-rich asset is usually shares in a company which derive at least 75% of their gross value from UK land (where the vendor has ≥ 25% shareholding at some point during the 2 years before sale).
Non residents selling UK non-residential property - how is it different
Rebased at 5/4/19
Non-residents must pay their CGT within
60 days
Who pays Class 1B NI?
Employers on grossed up value of earnings in a PAYE settlement agreement
Who pays Class 1 NI?
Employee and employers
Who pays Class 1A NI?
Employers on BIK
Who pays Class 2 NI?
Self employed
Who pays Class 4 NI?
Self employed on taxable trading income
When are P11D due?
19th July following end of tax year (22 if electronic)
When is Class 1B due?
19th October following end of tax year (22 if electronic)
How do you calculate Class 1B Contributions?
100/(100 - tax payer rate %) * value of item
When are self assessment payment on accounts?
1st = 50% = 31 Jan in tax year
2nd = 50%= 31 July after tax year
Balance = 31 Jan after tax year
Payments on account are required when
income tax and Class 4 NIC exceeded what was collected at source
Who pays apprenticeship levy and how much?
An employer with annual pay bill over £3 million
0.5% annual pay bill
Employers get 15k allowance each year
When is a gift in a will to political parties exempt?
The party has to have 2 MPs or 1 MP and more than 150,000 votes
Rate of IHT drops to 36% with what percentage of charity donations
Small gift exemption from IHT is on amounts smaller than
Marriage exemption is gifts from who for what amount?
Parent £5000
Grandparent £2500
Anyone else £1000
What is maximum exemption to spouse if they are non-dom?
What is a CLT?
Chargeable Lifetime Transfer
To discretionary trust or interest in possession trusts
Is a transfer to a Bare Trust a CLT or PET?
Taper relief is applied to
IHT once it is calculated
4 sections to IHT calc
1) Transfer values
2) Lifetime tax on CLT
3) Death tax on lifetime transfers within 7 years
4) Calculate death tax on death estate
Does the 36% charity rate apply to CLTs/PETs on death?
No only death estate
Quick succession relief is for when?
Recipient of chargeable transfer dies within 5 years
Do they still have to have the property for QSR to apply?
How is QSR applied?
Calculate as normal
Then apply a tax credit as below
1st Transfer * (Net received/gross) * year percentage (20% less for each year survived)
What is fall in value relief?
When the market value at death is less than at transfer
It was sold before death for less than transfer
Can deduct the difference for death tax
Doesn’t change amount used for NRB though
Doesn’t apply to P&M or wasting chattels
What is the residence nil rate band?
Max claim £175k for value of property in death estate
Reduced when estate is over £2mil
Nothing at £2.35mil
How do you calculate transfer of nil rate band?
(Remaining NRB left after 1st spouses death estate
NRB in force when 1st spouse died
When must a claim for unused nil rate band be made?
Two years from the end of the month of death of the survivor, or
Three months from the date the personal representatives first act for the survivor.
Can you transfer unused RNRB?
A claim to transfer unused RNRB must be made by the personal representatives within two years of the end of the month of the survivor’s death.
To get 36% you need to have donated 10% of your
estate after deducting all reliefs, exemptions and nil rate bands available but not the residence nil rate band or charity donation itself
For IHT transfer values are the loss to
For IHT, quoted shares are measure on the lower of
Quarter up
= Bid price + 1/4(offer - bid price)
Average of higher and lower marked bargains
Unit trusts are valued at
Bid price
Life assurance policies are included in
the estate (the proceeds) unless they are written into Trust
Related property valuations in IHT
Take higher of diminution in value with and without the related persons share
Related property is property owned by
A Spouse
A charity or political party that received the property via exempt transfer from either spouse
What is the cap for additional expenses due to a foreign asset?
5% of foreign asset value
What does business property relief apply to?
Both lifetime transfers and the death estate
what 2 things need to be satisfied for BPR?
Needs to be a qualifying asset and have a sufficient ownership period (generally 2 years)
How does BPR change for expected assets?
Share value × (Net Assets-Excepted Assets/
Net Assets)
If the property is not owned by the receiver at the date of gifters death, does BPR still apply?
Not to death tax
What is the additional deemed domicile rule for IHT?
For 36 months after they ceased being UK domiciled
Non dom can elect to be domiciled for IHT. Advantage, disadvantage
Advantage of an election: No upper limit on the spouse exemption for transfers to the non-UK domiciled spouse (otherwise the limit is £325k)
– Disadvantage: The individual’s overseas assets will be brought within the UK IHT charge.
Election applies to IHT only.
Election irrevocable, although it lapses if the individual is non-UK resident for 4 consecutive tax
DTR is the lower of
UK Tax and overseas tax
Tax filing due on CLT
12 months after end of month in which gift falls
Transferor responsible
Tax filing due on PET
12 months after end of month in which the death occours
Transferee responsible
Death estate tax filing due
12 months after end of month in which death occurred or if later, 3 months following the date they become PR
Personal representatives are responsible
Can elect for 10 annual instalments of IHT for
Land and buildings;
Most unquoted shares and securities;
A business or interest in a business.
Interest-bearing instalments are available on:
Unquoted shares and securities which are either not a controlling holding or are in certain companies such as investment companies and property trading companies
Businesses and interests in businesses (including partnerships) which are investment businesses or businesses in property trading
If the property is sold, the IHT on it immediately becomes payable in full.
Long accounting periods of corp tax
Always first 12 months and then the rest
When did super deduction end?
When are 50% FYA available?
1.4.21 - 31.3.26
Not cars
Use AIA first
Who gets indexation allowance?
Formula for marginal rate
(Upper limit - aug profits) * (TTP/aug profits) *3/200
Short accounting periods follow normal payments for corp tax but
less periods so do number of months in accounting period divide 3 to get number of payments
Share matching for companies
Same day
Prior 9 days
When do you index the share pool
At every operative event
e.g. any transfer with value
When does SSE apply?
When shareholding of 10% or more for 12 months of last 6 years
Means gain is exempt
Non-UK companies is charged corp tax on
Disposal of UK land and buildings
Assets deriving of 75% value from UK land and buildings
What cap is there on R&D expenditure for external staff
SME gets what extra deduction for R&D
86% now
130% before 1.4.23
Large company gets tax credit for R&D, what do you do?
20% of qualifying R&D added to taxable income and taxed then taken off final liability
Exempt dividends and tax credits received from
companies which are not the receiving company’s 51% subsidiaries or sub-subsidiaries.
Corporation tax losses
Use in current year against total profits
Then prior year against total profits
Then future years against total profits
Trading corp losses terminal loss can be used
Last 12 month loss against prior 36 months loss
Corp tax capital losses can only be used against
Chargeable gains in current or future years
NTLR deficits can be used against
Current total profits
Prior year NTLR
Future total profits
All corp tax loss relief claims need to be elected within
2 years after the end of the accounting period
Property losses can be set against
Total profits in current year
Total profits in future year
What is the restriction of carried forward corp tax losses?
A deductions allowance (DA) of £5m PLUS
– 50% of the excess profits over £5m (after current period loss relief)
5mil is shared between group
Group companies are at least
75% owned
A loss making company can surrender
All current period
Trading losses
Excess property losses
NTLR deficits
Excess QCDs
to be set against recipients current year only
Losses for group must be
over the same period so time apportion if required
Gains group exists if
there are ≥ 75% links between two or more companies and the holding company has more than 50%, (indirectly) of any sub-subsidiaries.
Can you be part of more than one gains group?
Can a non UK company benefit from a gains group?
No but it can link to UK companies
Tax implications of gains group
Nil Gain Nil Loss transfers
Transfer current period gains/losses
Group rollover relief
A degrouping charge occurs when
A company leaves a gains group ≤ 6 years of receiving an asset in a NGNL transfer, AND
– It still owns the asset at the date it leaves the group
Conditions to be in a VAT group
More than 50%
Benefits of VAT group
You can pick and chose who to include
One return
No VAT on intra group supplies
If wholly exempt company part of group may meet de minimis test
Cons of VAT group
All companies are responsible for liability
One return more admin
Exempt or partially exempt may restrict input tax
On partially exempt input tax is based on
Taxable turnover / total turnover
Round up to nearest %
Advantages of opting to tax
Potentially increase recovery of input VAT suffered on building through capital goods scheme
Input VAT can be reclaimed on building related expenses
Disadvantages of opting to tax
Tenants/buyers may not be able to recover vat charged
Stamp duty land tax is higher
What is recovery of input vat calc in first period?
Recovery of input VAT = Input VAT × % taxable use (based on taxable use in VAT year of
What is recovery of input vat calc for annual adjustment?
Annual adjustment = (1/N) × Input VAT × (current % taxable use - original % taxable use)
N = 10 years for land + buildings, 5 years for other assets
What is recovery of input vat calc for sale adjustment?
Normal annual adjustment (assuming usage to date of sale would have applied for whole year)
(2) An adjustment on sale = (P/N) × Input VAT × (R – original % taxable use)
P = number of VAT periods remaining out of original 5 or 10
N = 10 years for land + buildings, 5 years for other assets
R = 0% if sale was exempt for VAT or 100% if sale was taxable for VAT
VAT on imports
Pay on arrival, HMRC release goods, traders claims back on next return
Postponed accounting where you wait to put input vat on when the input vat goes on
Exports are —— rated
With Northern Ireland goods are
Treated as imports and exports
With Northern Ireland services are
as normal rates
Service supplies to business customers
The place of supply is where the customer’s business is located.
Hence no VAT is charged by the supplier, but both output VAT and input VAT is accounted for by a UK customer (if purchasing from a foreign supplier) – the reverse charge under the ‘destination system’.
Service supplies to non-business customers
The place of supply is where the supplier’s business is located.
Hence the supplier charges VAT at their normal local rate for that type of service.
Stamp duty
Is charged at 0.5% of the consideration payable by the purchaser on the paper transfer of shares and securities.
The charge is rounded up to the nearest £5
What is stamp duty reserve tax paid on?
Paperless transfer of shares and securities
Rate of duty is 0.5%
Filing and payment date is 7th day of the month following the transfer (or paid ≤ 14 days of trade date if payment made by CREST)
Stamp duty land tax is paid on vat
inclusive price
When does rollover relief end?
At the earliest of
10 years after the purchase of second item
The item stops being used in business
The item is disposed of
Does flat rate scheme use VAT inclusive or exclusive?
Does the limited cost trader rules use VAT inclusive or exclusive figures?
Are vintage cars subject to CGT?
No all cars are exempt
What tax is SSE for?
Capital gains
What tax is BPR for?
Inheritance tax
Do you get AEA when calculating death tax?
No only include it when working out the lifetime part
Do running costs on a car incur employees NI?
No just the benefit of the car
If asked for the cost to sole trader of adding a salary you?
Add salary, benefits and the Ni incurred
Less the tax they would have paid on that income so PAYE and NI
When started a new tax company what money laundering and other regs do you have to comply with and how?
Money laundering
Register for anti-money laundering supervision with ICO as the appropriate supervisory body
Appoint money laundering reporting officer
Train the partners in the staff in relation to money laundering legislation
Establish appropriate, I am out procedures to risk assesses and her money laundering
Other regulatory requirements
Professional indemnity insurance. You need to obtain a practising certificate which must have a minimum level of professional indemnity insurance 600 K turnover needs 2 1/2 times it’s gross fee income with a minimum of 100 K and over that needs 1.5 million of cover
Data protection need to register the data controller with the information Commissioners office under data protection legislation 
What do you apply PRR % to?
The gain
What do you need to remember and capital gains calculations?
Annual exempt amount of 6K
When is capital gains tax due?
Within 60 days if it’s a residential property, but everything else is due by the 31st of January after the end of the tax year 
What is the rule called where someone pays someone else money every month but it’s exempt? And what do you need to make it except?
I need to be paid out of the persons income every month.
It needs to leave them with sufficient amount of money to live their normal lifestyle.
it should be a regular payment. 
An example of this is school fees for grandchildren
When your value in shares for IHT and the spouse have shares in the same company, how do you treat them?
You take the value of the person shares minus the value of the shares they end up with and then repeat for the couple shareholding and then you take the higher of the two figures for the loss and that was transferred to whoever they gifted it to 
When you value shares with the related property amounts for the spouse, do you take the shareholding price and the shareholding of by People or just the shareholding price with the holding of one person??
You take the shareholding price of the combine shareholding, but you only Time, is it by the shares held by the person is making a gift
What column does interest paid go in?
Non savings
Does fuel benefit go in employment income?
No no no no no