Reliability and Validity Flashcards
What is each factor?
A scale that should measure something - all of the items should measure the construct
What does reliability refer too?
Does the questionnaire produce the same results when completed under the same conditions - degree of consistency
What does validity refer too?
Does the questionnaire measure what it’s meant to - accurately measuring the construct
What is a correlation?
A standardised measure of to what degree two variables co vary
What do correlation coefficients vary between?
+1 and -1
If X has a higher value when Y has a higher value = positive correlation
X has higher values when Y has lower values = negative correlation
1 = perfect
0 = none at all
What does a correlation suggest?
A logical common factor for why the variables are behaving in some way
For reliability, measuring whether some underlying characteristic or trait is measured by in different ways by by different measures
Doesn’t mean causality
What are the types of reliablity?
Reliability across time - involve administration of the same scale twice - test re test or alternative forms
Internal consistency - involve one administration of the scale , such as split half, cronbachs alpha an inter-scorer
What is test re test reliability?
Test-retest reliability:
The consistency of your measurement when it is used under the same conditions with the same participants
Administer your scale at two separate times for each participant
Compute the correlation between the two scores
Assume there is no change in the underlying condition/trait between test 1 and 2
Expect people high in e.g. empathy will score high both times
doesn’t work for mood questionnaires as change mood on different days
What is alternate forms reliability?
Alternate forms reliability:
Change the wording of the questions in a functionally equivalent form
Simply change the order of the questions in the first and the second survey of the same respondents
Calculate the correlation between the results obtained in two surveys
i.e. between the initial and re-worded/ordered questions
What is split half reliability?
Split-half reliability
Group questions in a questionnaire that measure the same concept
For example, split a 6-item scale/factor into two sets of three questions
Calculate the correlation between those two groups
BUT: reliability will depend on exactly how you split the data!
What is cronbach’s alpha?
Splits the questions on your scale every possible way and computes correlation values for all splits
The average of these values is equivalent to Cronbach’s α
Interpret as r: closer to 1 - the higher the reliability estimate of your instrument
To retain a scale, α ≥ .7 (acceptable reliabilty)
For good reliability α ≥ .8
Alpha if item removed:
Calculates alpha as above but leaving out each item one at a time
If alpha improves - scale is more reliable without it
Trying to identify the Weakest Link and get rid of it
What is the corrected item total correlation?
IRI - correlation between the score on the item and score on the scale as a whole times the SD of the item - if < .3, consider removing the item
What must you do before you run the reliability analysis?
Reverse code the items - when something measures the same idea but in opposite directions
What does reverse scoring mean?
Low score becomes high and vice versa give 1 - 5 2 - 4 3 - 3 4 - 2 5 - 1
computer will do it - subtract each score from max score plus 1
if you forget, will cause problems for alpha, won’t be able to interpret it
What items do you select when analysing them?
Items that are grouped together on a factor, these represent a scale that you have created to measure a particular aspect of your construct
What should you check?
Intercorrelations for all items in the scale - should be above 0.3
Overall Cronbach’s alpha - higher is better, ideally above 0.7
IRI (Corrected Item-Total Correlation) - should be above 0.3
Cronbach’s alpha if item deleted - check if substantially higher than overall alpha
What do you do with scales with 2 items?
Impossible to get alpha because 2 items can only be split one way!
Compute a (bivariate) Pearson’s correlation between the two items
Report r and p values as usual for correlations
No threshold for r - if significant, can average them to form a scale
Ideally you would recommend designing further items to add for future research!
What happens as you increase the number of items in a scale?
alpha increases as the number of items increases - as long as the items positively correlate with the rest of the scale - by increasing items, get a bigger a even if they don’t correlate
When is a value of alpha acceptable?
Not always clear
for cognitive tests - .8 is okay but ability .7 is fine
depends on diversity of the constructs, research etc- think about what the numbers actually mean in context
What are the types of validity?
Content and Construct
What is content validity?
Items relate to the construct of interest, are comprehensive (cover everything) and do not over lap
Ensure: conduct lots of background research, gather suggestions on items from sources, ask experts, write good items
What is construct validity?
Items measure the construct of interest in a meaningful way
Ensure: correlate scores with other established measures
should correlate highly with related measures (convergent)
should not correlate highly with unrelated measures (discriminant)
What are the types of construct validity?
Convergent - should correlate highly with related measures
Discriminant - should not correlate highly with unrelated measures
How to check for content validity?
Items relate to construct of interest and measure them well
did this when writing the items, designing them
assumption checks can show up problems: for example, if everyone answered the same way, it shows the item doesn’t measure the construct well - no discrimination
How to check for construct validity?
Compare to existing, validated measures
What is convergent validity?
Measures of constructs that should be related in theory are in fact related in reality
What is discriminant validity?
Measures of constructs that should NOT be related in theory are in fact NOT related in reality
What does related mean?
Best way to checkk is by the correlations - take measures for new and well established scales. Calculate the average response on each sub scale, run correlation between all scales
How big should r be? no formal cut off for this, convergent = bigger the better
discriminant = the smaller the better