Relationships Unit II Flashcards
Intercostal n., a, v., and internal intercostal muscles
intercostal n., a., v., are deep to the internal intercostal muscles
internal intercostal muscles are superficial to the intercostal n., a., v.,
internal thoracic artery vs. first six costal cartilages
internal thoracic artery is poserior (deep) to first 6 costal cartilages
left phrenic nerve vs root of left lung
left phrenic nerve is anterior to root of the left lung root of the left lung is posterior to the left phrenic nerve
left phrenic nerve vs pericardial sac
left phrenic nerve is lateral to the pericardial sac pericardial sac is medial to the left phrenic nerve
right phrenic nerve vs. superior vena cava
right phrenic nerve is lateral to the SVC
SVC is medial to the right phrenic nerve
right phrenic nerve and pericardial sac
right phrenic nerve is lateral to the pericardial sac pericardial sac is medial to the right phrenic nerve
right phrenic nerve and root of right lung
right phrenic nerve is anterior to root of right lung root of right lung is posterior to right phrenic nerve
arch of aorta and pulmonary trunk
arch of the aorta is superior to pulmonary trunk pulmonary trunk is inferior to arch of the aorta
left vagus nerve and arch of the aorta
left vagus nerve is lateral to the arch of the aorta arch of the aorta is medial to the left vagus nerve
left recurrent laryngeal nerve and ligamentum arteriosum
the left recurrent laryngeal nerve is posterior to the ligamentum arteriosum
ligamentum arteriosum is anterior to the left recurrent laryngeal nerve
left recurrent laryngeal nerve and arch of the aorta
right recurrent laryngeal nerve passes inferior to arch of the aorta
arch of the aorta passes anterior to the left recurrent laryngeal nerve
left vagus nerve and left main bronchus
the left vagus nerve passes posterior to the left main bronchus left main bronchus is anterior to left vagus n.
right vagus nerve and trachea
right vagus nerve is lateral to the trachea
trachea is medial to the right vagus nerve
right vagus nerve and arch of azygous vein
right vagus nerve passes medial to the arch of the azygous vein
azygous vein is lateral to the right vagus n.
right vagus nerve and right main bronchus
the right vagus nerve passes posterior to the right main bronchus
right main bronchus is anterior to the right vagus n.
superior vena cava and ascending aorta
the SVC is lateral (right) to the ascending aorta ascending aorta is medial (left) of the SVC
azygous vein(arch) and right main broncus
azygous vein passes superior to the right main bronchus
right main bronchus is inferior to the azygous vein
transverse pericardial sinus and ascending aorta
the transverse pericardial sinus is posterior to the ascending aorta
transverse pericardial sinus and pulmonary trunk
the transverse pericardial sinus is posterior to the pulmonary trunk
esophagus and trachea
the esophagus is posterior to the trachea
the trachea is anterior to the esophagus
esophagus and left main bronchus
the esophagus is posterior to the left main bronchus left main bronchus is anterior to the esophagus
thoracic aorta and left main bronchus
thoracic aorta is posterior to the left main bronchus left main bronchus is anterior to the thoracic aorta
at hilum of left lung:
pulmonary artery and main bronchus
at hilum of left lung:
pulmonary artery is superior to the main bronchus main bronchus is inferior to the pulmonary artery
at hilum of left lung:
pulmonary veins and main bronchus
at hilum of left lung:
the pulmonary veins are anterior and inferior to the main bronchus
main bronchus is posterior and superior to the pulmonary veins
at hilum of right lung:
pulmonary artery and main bronchus
at hilum of right lung:
the pulmonary artery is anterior to the main bronchus
main bronchus is posterior to pulmonary artery
at hilum of right lung:
pulmonary veins and main bronchus
at hilum of right lung:
the pulmonary veins are anterior to the main bronchus
main bronchus is posterior to pulmonary veins
at hilum of right lung:
pulmonary veins and pulmonary arteries
at hilum of right lung:
pulmonary veins are anterior inferior to the pulmonary arteries
pulmonary arteries are posterior superior to the pulmonary veins
right posterior intercostal ateries and vertebral bodies
the r. posterior intercostal a. pass anterior to the vertebral bodies
vertebral bodies are posterior to the r. posterior intercostal a.
intercostal veins, arteries and nerves vs. ribs
the intercostal a., v., and n. are directly inferior to the ribs
ribs are directly superior to the intercostal a., v., and n.
sympthetic chain and thoracic vertebral bodies
the sympathetic chain is lateral to the vertebral bodies
vertebral bodies are medial to the sympathetic chain
thoracic aorta and pericardial sac
thoracic aorta is posterior to the pericardial sac
pericardial sac is anterior to the thoracic aorta
thoracic aorta and vertebral bodies
thoracic aorta is left(lateral) of the vertebral bodies
vertebral bodies are right(medial) of the thoracic aorta
inferior vena cava and thoracic aorta
IVC is to the right of the thoracic aorta
thoracic aorta is to the left of the IVC
greater splanchnic nerve and the sympathetic chain
the greater splanchnic nerve is anterior-medial to the sympathetic chain
the sympathetic chain is posterior-lateral to the greater splanchinic nerve
esophagus and pericardial sac
the esophagus is posterior to the pericardial sac
pericardial sac is anterior to the esophagus
near the diaphram:
esophagus and thoracic aorta
near the diaphram:
the esophagus is anterior to the thoracic aorta
the thoracic aorta is posterior to the esophagus
thoracic duct and thoracic vertebral bodies
the thoracic duct is directly anterior to the thoracic vertebral bodies
the thoracic vertebral bodies are directly posterior to the thoracic duct
Common bile duct and duodenum (1st segment)
the common bile duct passes posterior to the duodenum
the duodenum (1st part) is anterior to the common bile duct