Relationships: Formation/Maintenance/Breakdown Flashcards
Name the two formation theories and who produced them
1) Similarity Theory
Byrne, Clore and Smeaton (1986)
2) Reward/Need Satisfaction Theory
Byrne and Clore (1970)
Explain the similarity theory
Personality: people more likely to be attracted to people with similar personalities. Caspi and Herbener found that married couples with similar personalities were happier than couples with less similar personalities.
Attitude: research suggests that couples achieve a process of ‘attitude alignment’.
What are the three evaluation points for similarity theory?
1) Condon and Crano
2) Yoshida
3) Speakerman et al
Explain positive evaluation point for similarity theory from Condon and Crano
Similarity is important for two reasons
1) We assume that people similar to us will be more likely to like us; by ruling out dissimilar people we lessen the chance of rejection
2) When other people share our attitudes and beliefs, it tends to validate them thus making them more attractive
Explain negative evaluation point for similarly theory from Yoshida
Theory represents a narrow view of important factors in formation. Factors such as physical condition and economic level are equally important
Explain how Speakerman et al supported Yoshida’s negative evaluation point
Found that people tend to choose partners with similar levels of body fat
Explain the Reward/Need for Satisfaction theory
Stimuli in our lives can be punishing or rewarding. We seek out stimuli that produces positive feelings. According to operant conditioning principles, we are likely to repeat behaviour that produces positive feelings, this theory suggests that we enter relationships because the presence of a person is directly associated with positive feelings.
Attraction through association: if we meet someone when we are happy we are more likely to find them attractive due to the associated of them with a positive feeling or event.
Name the 4 evaluation points for Reward/Need for Satisfaction theory
1) Griffitt and Guay
2) IDA- Lott et al
3) Cate et al
3) Lacks mundane realism (some studies)