Relationships and Sex Education Flashcards
What is a nuclear family?
This is a family that is made up of a married heterosexual (man and woman) couple and their children, living together as a unit.
What is an extended family?
Parents living with their children as well as additional relatives such as grandparents and/or aunts and uncles.
What is a re-constituted family?
This is when two families join together after one or both partners have divorced their previous partners. This family option can sometimes be referred to as the step family.
What is a single parent family?
This type of family consists of a parent not living with a partner, who has most of the day to day responsibilities for raising the child/ren.
What is same-sex parenting?
This is a family made up of two homosexual adults (two women or two men) with adoptive children or children biologically related to one parent.
What is secularisation?
Movement away from religion.
What is cohabitation?
Living together and having a sexual relationship without being married.
How has the role of women changed?
1) Women are no longer expected to be housewives. 2) Women have become less financially dependent. 3) Some women no longer feel as if they must get married and others, are able to get a divorce more easily.
When was same-sex marriage legalised in the UK?
What is a sacrament?
A religious ceremony or ritual regarding as imparting divine grace (God’s love).
What might Catholics discuss at marriage preparation classes?
The 5 Cs - Cohabitation; Commitment; Compromise; Communication and Cash.
What are the different purposes of a Catholic marriage?
Marriage is a sacrament; To live together forever; to support each other; to willingly accept children and to live a good Catholic family life.
What questions might the priest ask during the marriage ceremony?
1] Have you come here freely and without reservation to give yourselves to each other in marriage?
2] Will you honour each other as man and wife for the rest of your lives?
3] Will you accept children lovingly from God, and bring them up according to the law of Christ and His Church?
What is pre-marital sex?
Sex before marriage.
What is adultery?
Cheating on your partner.
What do all Christians believe about adultery?
It is wrong as in the 10 Commandments it states: ‘Thou shalt not commit adultery.’
What do different Christians believe about pre-marital sex?
Catholic Church: pre-marital sex is sinful as sex should only occur for procreation. The best environment to have children in within a marriage.
Church of England: pre-marital sex can be justified if the couple intend to get married.
Evangelical Church: pre-marital is never allowed and Christians should take part in the Unaltered Ministries - a virginity pledge (silver ring).
What is contraception?
This is the deliberate use of artificial methods to prevent a pregnancy.
What is conception?
When the sperm meets the egg and life is created.
List four types of contraception.
Condom, Contraceptive Pill, the Implant and the Coil.
What is natural family planning?
Monitoring a woman’s ovulation cycle to determine when she is most fertile and least fertile in order to make a decision on when to have sexual intercourse.
What does the Catholic Church teach about the use of contraception?
The use of artificial contraception is sinful as it stops the creation of children and goes against God’s command to be ‘fruitful and multiply.’ Natural family planning is allowed.
What does the Church of England teach about the use of contraception?
‘Contraception is not a sin or going against God’s purpose’ They should use their conscience when making decisions around family planning.
What do Humanists believe about the use of contraception?
As they do not believe in ‘God’, they believe that the use of contraception is a matter of personal choice. It is also useful as a means of controlling the population to a sustainable level.
What is divorce?
The legal ending of a marriage.
What is annulment?
The declaration in the Church that a marriage is void/invalid and did not exist.
What is remarriage?
When one or both people getting married have been married before.
What are Catholic teachings on divorce and remarriage?
A Catholic marriage is life-long and therefore divorce is not allowed.
The Old Testament: ‘God hates divorce’
The New Testament: Jesus said ‘What God has joined together let no man separate’.
St Augustine taught that remarriage would be considered to be adultery as the couple would still be married in the eyes of God.
What is a synod?
A meeting of bishops.
What are Methodist teachings on remarriage?
Methodists approach each situation with sympathy and do allow remarriages in the Methodist Church. 70% of marriages in the Methodist Church include at least one divorced party.
What is promiscuity?
Having many sexual relationships without commitment.
What is abstinence?
The practice of restraining oneself from indulging in something, typically alcohol or sex.
What is fidelity?
Being faithful to your partner.
What does LGBTQ+ stand for?
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer.
What are Catholic teachings on homosexuality?
Sexuality is not a choice, therefore being homosexual is not a sin. However, the Church teaches that sex should only happen to make children, as homosexual couples cannot have children together naturally the Church teaches that homosexual acts are sinful and therefore does not allow same-sex marriage in the Church.
What are Methodist teachings on same-sex marriage?
As of the 30th of June 2021. A vote was held to change the definition of marriage within the Church to include same sex marriages.
How should Catholics treat those from the LGBTQ+ community?
With dignity, compassion and sensitivity. Pope Francis: They should not be marginalised…they are our brothers.’ God the Father would not abandon LGBTQ+ people.
What is chastity/celibacy?
The state or practice of refraining from sexual activity.
What is procreation/reproduction?
Having children.