Relationships and Processes within schools Flashcards
What is the hidden curriculum?
The hidden curriculum is the set of social norms and values schools pass on along with the formal curriculum
What are some aspects of the hidden curriculum?
- Dressing smartly
- Working hard to achieve rewards
- Arriving on time
- Hierarchy - respect for authority
- Punishments
What is the basis of the labelling theory?
The labelling theory states that people decide on the characters of others and treat them accordingly whether the label is fair or not
What is the importance of the labelling theory?
Labels are an important part of teacher-pupil relationships
- If labelled as a troublemaker a child is disciplined more harshly
- If a student is labelled as a bright spark is given encouragement to help them succeed even further
What can the labelling theory create?
The labelling theory can create the self-fulfilling prophecy where a student internalises the label they’ve been given as their identity
What are the different ways of organising teacher in a school?
- Streaming
- Setting
- Mixed ability
What is streaming? `
Students are sorted into classes according to ability and they stay in these groups for all or most of their subjects
What is setting?
Students are sorted into classes according to ability but on a subject-by-subject basis
What is a mixed ability?
Students are sorted into classes that arent based on ability, so that the highest and lowest achieving students are taught together
What are the main arguments in favour of streaming and setting?
Students can work at their own level and pace
What is a problem with streaming?
Students are likely to be better at some subjects than others so some bottom stream students are not challenge enough in certain subjects
What did Ball (1981) find when investigating setting and streaming?
He found the students in high ability groups were given more attention and encouragement, and those in lower classes were given negative labels and performed poorly
What is a negative of Mixed ability classes?
Teachers still hold low expectations for lower ability students and often lower the level of their teaching to suit them .
- Means the work is not challenging enough for higher ability students
What is a subculture?
A subculture is a group who share ideas and behaviour patterns which are different from the mainstream culture
What arre the two common discussed cultures in school?
Anti school or Pro school