Relationships And Family Flashcards
What is Genesis 1: 27-28
“God made humans in his image. Male and female he made them”
What is Mark 10: 6-9
“That is why a man leaves his parents and lives with his wife and they become one flesh”
What is the definition of consummated
Make a marriage complete by having sexual intercourse
What is the definition of marriage
A faithful, exclusive, lifelong union of a man and a woman
What is contraception
Deliberate ways of stopping a pregnancy from taking place (can be artificial or natural)
What is adultery
Adultery is voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a person who is not their spouse.
What is the sanctity of life
The sacredness/holiness of human life
What is divorce
The legal ending of a marriage
What is gender perjudice
Beliefs and judgements made on people based on their gender
What is extramartital
Sexual relations occuring outside of marriage
What is consent
Consciously and willingly agree to partake or accept something introduduced by another person
What is remarriage
When a person who has been married before goes on to marry another person
What is gender discrimination
Action taken against a person or a group of people based off of their gender
What three things should sex be
What does it mean for sex to be unitive
Sex should bring people closer together
What does it mean for sex to be marital
Sex should happen within a marriage
What does it mean for sex to be procreative
Sex ahoukd be open to the possibility of children
What are catholic views on contraception
• Can devalue or trivisualise sex
• Against the teaching,”Be fruitful and multiply” - Genesis 9:7
• Takes away trust in God
What are contrasting views on contraception
• Not ready for child but want to have sex
• Emergency contraception in the case of rape or sexual abuse
• Married couples who don’t want more children
What are teachings about the human body from “Theology of the Body”
• In sex the man and woman discover eachother and themselves
• Thinking inapropriately about others stops you from thinking about them as real people
• God created males and females and both are important
Who wrote “Theology of the Body”
Pope John Paul II
Why is the Catholic church against sex before marriage
•Sex before marriage trivialises (devalues) the act
•The gift of virginity makes husband and wife feel special
•There is no risk of sexually transmitting diseases
Why is adultery wrong
•One of the ten commandements is “do not commit adultery”
•It devalues the act of marriage
•It goes against the teaching that sex should be marital and take place within a marriage
What does the Catholic church team about homosexuality
•Homosexual relations are not acceptable as there is no possibility of new life
•Homosexuals should live celibate lives
What does the catholic church teach about same sex marriage
•They cannot have children and don’t therefore meet the requirements of a catholic marriage
•Marriage is a sacrament that can only take place between a man and a woman
What are some contrasting views on homosexuality and same sex marriage to the Catholic Church?
•Some do not see being able to have children as an essential part of marriage
•The Church of England supports the idea of same-sex civil partnerships.
What are the two meanings of ‘God created humans beings in his image; male and female he created them’ (Genesis 1:27)
• All people are made in the image of God
• Every human has a specific and God-given purpose
What is a bible quote against contraception
“Be fruitful and multiply” - Genesis 9:7
What are the six marriage vows that couples make during a Catholic marriage ceremony
•To have and to hold from this day forward
•For better, for worse
•For richer, for poorer
•In sickness and in health
•To love and to cherish
•Till death do us part
What is the nature of the Catholic Marriage (mneumonic)
S acrament where God’s love is given to couple
P ublic declaration assure eachother love is genuine
E xclusive union of man and woman
L oving relationship through which children can grow and flourish
What are 6 conditions for a valid Catholic marriage
1 - Must be consummated (have sex)
2 - Must give consent
3 - Must marry of own free will
4 - Must be free to marry
5 - Must not be closely related
6 - Must declare willingness to accept children
What is a form of contaceptive that goes against the ‘Sanctity of Life’
The morning after pill - which stops fertilised egg from developing
What is an example of an artificial contaceptive
A condom
What is the Natural Family planning method
It is where the couple plan when they have sex to coincide with the woman’s natural infertile time
Why does the Catholic church not recognise divorce
• People should stick to marriage promises
• The couple knew what they were committing to
What are two steps that Christian couples cam take to reduce their chances of splitting up
• Be honest and kind to eachother
• Communicate when you are feeling sad or angry
What are the Catholic views on Co-habitation
• If the couple split up then it can effect children
• Breaks the sanctity of the sexual union
• Removes commitment from the sexual union
• It may destroy the sense of family
What are contrasting views to catholic views on co-habitation
•Can lead onto marriage in future
•May not get married for financial reasons
•Don’t have to be married to express love for eachother
•Can let younger couples get to know eachother before commiting
What are 2 examples of gender discrimination in the workplace
•Only 35% of MPs in the UK Parliament are women
•The gender pay gap between men and women is 15.6%(in men’s favour)
What are 2 Catholic teachings on gender discrimination
• Devalues a person
• Men and women should receive equal pay for equal work
What 4 tasks does the family have as the ‘Church in minature’
• To form a fommunity
• To help with life and personal development of eachother
• To take part in the development of the wider society
• To be part of the life and mission of the church
What is the traditional role of the male in a family
To work, earn the money for the family and be the structer parent
What is the traditional role of the female in the family
To cook, clean and care for the children
Why do both parents often work now
There is a need for women to earn money for the family and they are now just as educated as men, compared to not being nearly as educated as them traditionally
Why does the catholic church not allow female priests
•In Holy Communion the priest represents Jesus. Jesus was a man and so a woman cannot be the representation of Jesus.
•Jesus chose twelve men to
be apostles, so the church has
no right to change this pattern.
What are contrasting views compared to the Cataholic church on women being priests
• Both men and women can be
baptised. They are equal on entry into the church and so should also be treated equally after.
• The priest is a representative of the whole church, both male and female, so there is no reason why women should not be priests.
What is the catholic view on remarriage
Marriage promises made before God cannot be broken and the couple knew what they were commiting to before the act of marriage took place
What is the church if england view on remarriage
In certain circumstances, they will allow the marriage of divorcees
Under what 3 circumstances will the catholic church allow annulment
1 - The couple never had sexual intercourse
2 - They didn’t freely enter into marriage
3 - They always insist on using contraception, therefore refusing to accept God’s gift of children
The purpose of the family is to provide:
New life (procreation)
What are two bible quotes on gender equality
“God gave men and women identical dignity as humans… Equal dignity and rights, however, do no mean they are the same” - Youcat 401
“The resources of femininity are no less than the resources of masulinity, they are just different” - Mulieris Dignitatem 10