Relationships And Family Flashcards
What does Genesis 1: 27-28 state?
“God made humans in his image, male and female, he made them”
What does Mark 10: 6-9 state?
“That is why a man leaves his parents and lives with his wife and they become one flesh”
What does it mean to be consumated?
To make a marriage complete by having sex.
What is adultery?
Voluntary sex between a married person and a person who is not their spouse.
What is extramarital?
Outside of a marriage
What is marriage?
the legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship
What is the sancitity of life?
The holiness of human life
What is consent?
Permision for something to happen or a mutual agreement to do something whilst both are not under any influence
What is an annulment?
In the eyes of the law, the marriage never took place.
What is a divorce?
The legal ending of a marriage
What is remarriage?
When a divorced person marries a new partner
What is contraception?
The act of preventing a pregnancy
What is gender prejudice?
Gender prejudice are beliefs are judgements on someone, purely because of their gender
What is gender discrimation?
Gender discrimination is physical action on beliefs and judgements due to someone’s gender.
What are the 3 catholic teachings om Mature and Purpose of Sexual love and what they mean?
Unitive: Should bring them closer
Marital: Sex should happen within a marriage
Procreative: Should be open tonthe possibility of children
What are the 2 main meanings of the quote “God created human beings in his image; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:27)
- Human Dignity and Divine Image: This passage highlights that every human being, regardless of gender, is made in the “image of God.” This means that men and women share equal dignity, worth, and value in God’s eyes
- Complementarity and Unity between Genders: The phrase “male and female he created them” underlines the complementarity and unity between men and women
State 3 teachings about the human body from Pope John Paul II’s ‘theology of the body’
- God loves every person and created both sexes to have dignity and value.
- The full meaning of the body is appreciated through a deep relationship with the opposite sex in marriage.
- Sex is an essential part of marriage and should only occur within marriage.
What are three reasons the Catholic Church teach that sex before marriage is wrong?
- There is no risl of STIs if you save yourself for one person
- Sex before marriages trivialises (devalues) the act
- The gift of virginity offered in marriage makes both husband and wife feel special, privileged and loved
What are 2 Catholic teachings on homosexuality?
- Homosexuality in istelf is not sinful so they must be celibate and they must be treated with equal respect and rights as anyone else
- sexual acts between members of the same sex are contrary to God’s design for human sexuality, which it holds is fulfilled in a marital union between a man and a woman open to procreation.
What are 2 Catholic views on same-sex marriage?
- the theology of the body states that the full meaning of the body is appreciated through a deep relationship with the opposite sex in marriage.
- Same-sex couples are not allowed to marry in the Catholic Church as they cannot be procreatuve
- They cannot complement the roles of eachother like male and female- The bible says that woman was created from the bone of a man but only together are they the full form of a human being - they are two equal parts that complement and complete each other.
What are contrasting views of the Catholic Church’s teachings on same-sex marriage and homosexuality?
- homosexual people should have the same rights as anyone else, including the right to sexual relationships, love and marriage.
- Same-sex marriage was legalised in the UK so the Catholic Church’s beliefs are outdated and therefore don’t coincide with contemporary society
State 3 reasons why adultery is wrong to Catholics
- It breaks the vows made in marriage: ‘To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse
- It betrays trust in the marriage and causes harm and suffering to the innocent partner
- It brings distress and tensions into the home and causes the whole family to be unhappy
What is natural family planning?
natural family planning is when couples have sex to coincide with the woman’s natural infertile time in the menstral cycle
What is one form that gies against the sanctity of life and why?
The ‘morning after pill’- emergency contraception. The sancitity of life states that life begins at the moment of fertilisation. This would mean that the ‘morning after pill’ is an abortive which goes against Catholic teachings
State 3 Catholic views on contraception
- Contraception trivialises sex
- It goes against the belief that sex should be procreative
- Prevents sex from being unitive
State 3 contrasting views on Catholic teachings on contraception
- Can prevent STIs
- Can be used for the regulation of women’s hormones and mentral cycle- birth control
- It is non-neglagable that extra-marital sex is common and contraception is necessary for children to grow up in a stable nuclear family and environment
State one bible quote that goes against contraception
“Be fruitful and multiply”
State the six marriage promises (vows) couples make during a Catholic mareiage ceremony
- To have and to hold from this day onwards
- For better, for worse
- For richer, for poorer
- In sickness and in health
- To love and to cherish
- Till death do us part
What is the mnemonic fo rthe nature of Catholic marriage?
Loving relationship
State 6 conditions for a valid Catholic marriage
- Must be consumated
- Must give consent
- Must be free to marry
- Must not be closely related
- The 5 vows must be said infront of a catholic priest
- Must declare willingness to accept children
State 2 reasons why the Catholic Church doesn’t recognise divorce
- Goes against the vow “till death do us part”
- The marital bond is seen as a reflection of Christ’s unwavering commitment to the Church, which is also considered unbreakable.
Name 3 conditions where the Catholic Church will allow an annulment
- One/ both were forced to marry
- The marriage was not consumated
- Did not understand the vows
What are 3 practical steps Christian couples can take to reduce the chances of splitting up?
- Marriage
- Having children
- Commiting fully to the relationship
- Marriage counceling
What is the Catholic and Church of England views on remarriage?
Catholic: Catholics cannot re-marry in a Catholic Church unless the original partner has died or the last marriage was annuled
Church of England: Usually allowed because it is a sign of God’s forgiveness and willingness to give a new start
State 4 Catholic views on cohabitation
- Breaks the sancitity of marriage (there is a lack of commitment because God is not part of the relationship)
- Cohabitation encourages a casual attitude to the relationship
- Making vows publicly shows your commitment – so makes it more likely the marriage will endure.
- Marriage is the deepest commitment you can make - and the most secure for children
State 3 contrasting views to Catholic views on cohabitation
- Marriage may feel restricting and trap you in an changed or abusive relationship
- Cohabitation enables the couple to get to know each other; to help them decide whether or not to get married.
- The couple may want to live together for financial reasons, making housing more affordable
State 3 reasons why the Catholic church does not allow female priest
- The church does not have the right to say women can be priests. Only God can say that.
- Jesus chose twelve men to be apostles, so the church has no right to change this pattern.
- When Holy Communion is taking place, the priest represents Jesus, ‘In persona Christi’ Jesus was a man and so a woman cannot be the representation of Jesus.
State 3 contrasting views on why women should be priests
- The priest is a representative of the whole church, both male and female, so there is no reason why women should not be priests
- Both men and women can be baptised. They are equal on entry into the church and so should also be treated equally after.
- ‘God created humans beings in his image; male and female he created them’ (Genesis 1:27)- This tates man and woman are human representations of Christ, creates in his image. The priest represents Christ in holy communion during mass. Therefore, women should be able to be priests.
Give 2 reasons why same- sex parents and single parents are discouraged by the Catholic Church to become parents
- They cannot provide the same needs for children as parents with both a male and female
- Same sex couples cannot have children naturally and lovingly from God.
- The bible says that woman was created from the bone of a man but only together are they the full form of a human being - they are two equal parts that complement and complete each other.
- The Catholic Church do not allow same-sex couples to marry. This means God isn’t in the relationship and there is less commitment, which creates an insecure and unstable environment for the child
Give 2 reasons why single and same-sex parents should be able to marry
- In 2014, the British government legalised same-sex marriages
- Many people in British society (including some Christians) believe homosexuals should have the same rights as heterosexuals and so should be able to marry
- Some may find that having children isn’t an essential part of marriage and what they are looking for through marriage is commitment and a legal, official relationship to recognise the love for one another
State 2 examples of gender discrimination in the workplace
- Less than 10% of CEOs are women
- Most low-skills, low paid workers are women
Give 2 Catholic teachings on gender discrimination
- Men and women are equal but have different qualities and were created with equal dignity and rights. ‘The resources of feminity and no less than the resources of masculinity, just different’, highlighting the unique yet complementary roles of men and women and emphasizes that neither gender should be seen as superior.
- Men and women should have access to equal opportunities within the church and society. It encourages the participation of women in other forms of Church leadership and service and supports their rights in the broader society and teaches that gender should not act as a barrier to achieving one’s full potential.
What are the 4 mains tasks of a family?
- Form a community
- Support life and development of people
- To help develop societ
- To help the growht and community of the church
What 4 things must a family provide?
- Growth and development
- A community
- Support/ stable and secure environment
- Education
Give 2 bible quotes on gender equality
- “The resources of feminity are no less than the resources of masculinity, they are just different”
- “God created humans in his image, male and female, he created them”
Give 2 examples of Jesus’ attitude towards women
- The importance and dignity of women is symbolised in Mary, the mother of Jesus
- his teachings about divorce and adultery applied the same standard to women as to men.
What is the traditional role of the male and female in a family?
Mother: To look over the home and children
Father: protecting and providing for the needs of the family, and teaching by word and example.
Give one reason why bith parents often work
Both can work part-time, on a rotation of looking over the family. However, often the children can also take care of themselves and the family may need a larger yearly income through both parents, often due to more children
When making the decision on who should work, what is the main thing Catholics should take into account?
Skills, what sector of work is higher paying, and preference
What is the CCC?
Catechism of the Catholic Church
What does pope john paul state in thr theology of the body about sex?
Marital sex:
* Unites a couple in self-giving and love
* Shows commitment, mutual love and respect, and leads to greater intimacy
* Gives the possibility of creating new life (contraceptives should not be used)
Extramarital sex:
* Is a form of exploitation for personal pleasure
* Can make people selfish
* Adultery breaks the marriage vows and shows no commitment to the spouse
* Distorts God’s riginal plan for human beings
What is cohabitation?
A couple living together and having a sexual relationship without being married to one another
“Sex should be saved for marriage” Evaluate this statement
* sex is an important aspect of compatibility in a relationship, and experiencing this before marriage can help partners understand their needs, preferences, and compatibility better, helping build a stronger relationship which is essential before marriage.
* Cohabitation
* Sex should be procreative. “Be fruitful and multiply” Children are encouraged to be brought up in a stable family under a married couple. Extra-marital sex may result on children whilst perents are unprepared and not equipped for children. Marital sex prevents children growing up in an unstable environment whilst both parents are likely unequipped and unprepared. It is also likely the children will not be provided with basic needs such as education, a community, and fundamental growth and development. Extra-marital sex often occurs at younger ages. Parents are likely to be immature and also more likely not to have a stable income.
* Saving virginity for a singular person makes them feel important an dloved, strengthening relationships and bringing greater intimacy between the couple
* Sex before marriage trivialsies the act
Mention the theology of the body by Pope John Paul II
“Contraceptives should be allowed within the Catholic Church” Evaluate this statement
For: Catholic teachings are outdated and therefore cannot coexist with contemporary society
* Protection from STIs
* Some forms (birth control) can regulate women’s hormones and menstrul cycle- Abbodes by the doctrine of double effect by Catholic Church
* It os non-negelagable that extra-marital sex is common with young people. Contraceptives prevent them from becoming pregnant when not equipped for parenthood. Pope Francis’ teaching of nuclear families
* The use of contraceptives goes agaisnt the Catholic doctrine the all sexual acts must be unitive and procreatuve, reducing and trivialising sex to meer personal pleasure. It opposes natural law and leads to a culture where life is not fully appreciated. This stance also emphasizes that true responsible parenthood involves natural family planning, which aligns with the body’s natural rhythms rather than artificially inhibiting procreation
* There is no risk of STIs if the partner has saved themselves to one person “Be fuitfula and multiply”
* Contraceptives are unnecessary due to family planning
Give 2 contrasting reasons to the Catholic church, stating that same-sex parents should be allowed to have children
- Research and lived experiences show that same-sex couples are just as capable as heterosexual couples of providing loving, supportive, and stable homes for children
- Many people in British society (including some
Christians) believe homosexuals should have the same rights as heterosexuals and so should be able to have children
“Remarriage should be allowed in the Catholic Church” Evaluate this statement giving arguments for and against (12 marks)
* The Catholic faith teaches compassion and forgiveness. People who divorce often undergo difficult, painful experiences, and denying them the chance to remarry can be seen as uncompassionate.
* Some argue that preventing remarriage can harm family life. Many divorcees who remarry wish to create stable, loving families, especially when children are involved. Allowing remarriage could strengthen family bonds, providing a nurturing environment for children.
* The Catholic Church views marriage as a sacrament and a lifelong covenant made before God. Allowing remarriage could be seen as undermining this sacramental view and weakening the commitment to marriage as indissoluble.
* Allowing remarriage could lead some to take marriage vows less seriously, knowing that they might be allowed to marry again in the future, making the marriage less likely to endure. The Church’s current stance on marriage reinforces a sense of commitment and responsibility within marriages.