Relationships And Family Flashcards
Genesis 1:27-28
“God made Humans in his image,male and female he made them”
Mark 10:6-9
That is why a man leave his parents and lives with his wife and they become one flesh”
Definition of consumated
Sex after marriage to make it official.Become procreative
Definition of marriage
The legal agreement of a man and a women become married and becoming as one.
Definition of annulment
The ending of marriage making that the marriage never existed/null
Definition of contraception
Methods to prevent the birth of a child/preventing a pregnancy
Definition of adultery
Being dishonest with you partner,having sexual intercourse with a married person and someone outside there relationship
Definition of sancitity of life
Holiness of human life
What is a divorce
Legal ending of a marriage
What is gender prejudice
Having a prejudice/idea/judgements thats wrong against another gender which puts them in a shameful way
Definition of extra marital
Sexual relations occuring outside of marriage
Definition of consent
Agreement from both sides to do something.Not forced
Defintion of remarriage
Marrying again to another person/same person after marriage has been ended
What is gender discrimination
Actively doing something towards another gender
Defintion of unitive
Unitive means sexual intimacy which brings coupletogether and as one
Defintion of marital
relating to marriage or the relations between a married couple.
Definition of procreative
People who have sex and are Producing new life into this world
Two main meanings of genesis 1:27
‘‘God created humans beings in his image; male and
female he created them’
Men and females should be the only genders
Be procreative and bring new life into earth
Three teachings about the human body from the theology of the body
Through sex the couple show each other mutual love and respect
God loves every human for his or her own sake
The way human bodies are made brings both intimacy and the possibly of new life
Three reasons the catholic church teach that sex before marriage is wrong
Sex before marriage trivilises the act
Sex should occur in order to be procreactive and should be only used to create a new life
The give of virginity makes husband and wife feel special,privledged and loved
One bible quote against contraception
“Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it.”
Six marriage promises (vows) couples make
during a Catholic marriage ceremony:
To have and to hold from this day forward,for better for worse,for richer for poorer,in sickness and health,to love and to cherish,till death do us part
The nature of catholic marriage mnemonic
S – Sacrament: Marriage is a sacred union.
P – Permanent: Marriage is for life.
E – Exclusive: Faithfulness to one partner.
L – Life-giving: Open to having children.
Three reasons adultery is wrong
Going against vows,makes partner feel betrayed,creates a sense of dishonesty within the relationship.