Relationships and families Flashcards
Define the term ‘human sexuality’.
How people express themselves as sexual beings.
Give a quote from the Bible that is against homosexuality.
“Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable.”
What do many Christians see as part of God’s plan for humans?
A heterosexual relationship.
Why do many Christians believe that homosexuality is a sin?
In Genesis, it states that a man and woman should be united together and “increase in number”.
Give a quote from the Bible supporting homosexuality.
“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins.”
Why are many Muslims against homosexuality?
The Qur’an forbids it.
Define the term ‘adultery’.
Voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and someone who is not their spouse.
Give reasons why some may have sex before marriage.
> For pleasure
> To experiment
Give reasons why some may wait until marriage to have sex.
> Commitment
> To give it meaning
Give a quote from the Bible against adultery.
“You shall not commit adultery.”
What do bothChristians and Muslims believe adultery involves?
Secrecy, lies and betrayal of trust.
What do Muslims believe is a gift from God?
Why do Muslims believe that casual sex is wrong?
It detracts from dignity of those involved.
What does the Qur’an expressly forbid?
Sex before marriage.
Give a quote from the Qur’an that is against adultery.
“And do not go anywhere near adultery, it is an outrage, an evil path.”
Define the term ‘contraception’.
The method used to prevent a pregnancy from taking place.
Define the term ‘family planning’.
Controlling how many children couples have and when they have them.
Give 3 methods of contraception.
> The pill
The coil
What is the contemporary British view to contraception?
Mostly positive as it prevents unwanted pregnancy and spread of STIs.
Give a quote from the Bible against casual sex.
“Every sexual act should have the possibility of creating new life.”
Why do Catholics have a strong dislike towards contraception?
They believe that it stops new life being born - going against natural law.
What type of contraception do the Catholic and Orthodox Churches teach is okay to use?
Natural contraception.
Give a quote from the Qur’an that implies the use of contraception.
“God wishes to lighten your burden.”
Give a quote from the Qur’an that is against abortion and the morning after pill.
“Do not kill you children for fear of poverty.”
Why do Muslims believe that things like the morning after pill and abortion are wrong?
The sperm and egg have already met - forming new life.
Define the term ‘marriage’.
The legal union between a man and a woman as partners in a relationship.
Define the term ‘civil partnership’.
The legal union of same-sex couples.
Define the term ‘cohabitation’.
A couple living together and having a sexual relationship without being married to one another.
When did same sex marriages become legal in England?
Give a quote from the Bible which supports marriage.
“That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife and they become one flesh.”
Give a quote from the Bible which supports sex.
“Good blessed them and said to them be fruitful and increase in number; fill the Earth and subdue it.”
Define the term ‘sacraments’.
Rites and rituals through which a Christian receives God’s grace.
What do some Christians believe is a sacrament?
Give a quote from the Bible that prohibits sex before marriage.
“The sexual acts must take place exclusively within marriage.”
According to the teachings of Hadith, Islam teaches that a man completes half of his faith when he what?
Give a quote from the Qur’an which implies arranged marriages are not always right.
“If a man gives his daughter in marriage whilst she is averse to it then such marriage is invalid.”
Who must a Muslim women marry?
A Muslim man.
Who must a Muslim man marry?
A woman of any monotheistic faith (Christianity, Islam, Judaism).
Define the term ‘halal’.
That which is permitted.
Define the term ‘haram’.
That which is not permitted.
Give 5 reasons for marriage fail.
> Immaturity > Adultery > Illness/ disability > Work > Abuse
Define the term ‘divorce’.
Legal ending of a marriage.
Define the term ‘remarriage’.
When someone marries again while their former spouse is still alive.
Define the term ‘annulment’.
A Catholic Church ruling that a marriage was never valid.
In the Bible what did Jesus teach?
If anyone divorced and remarried, they were committing adultery.
If the Church helps divorced people, what must they do?
Keep marriage sacred.
What do Catholics believe about divorce?
It cannot dissolve a marriage between two baptised people as they have made a promise to God.
What do Protestant Churches believe?
They accept civil divorce and allow remarriage in Church as long as the vows are taken seriously.
What do Muslims believe about divorce?
It is hateful to God.
What does the Qur’an guarantee during divorce?
The rights of both parties.
What does the Qur’an encourage before divorce?
It encourages the reconciliation between the couple by allowing a member of the partners family to help.
In Islam, what must happen if a reconciliation between the couple does not work?
The man must continue to support the woman until she remarries.
In Islam, what must happen for a religious divorce?
A man must declare it to his wife verbally or in writing. They must not have sex but live together for three months.
Define the term ‘family’.
A group of people who are related through blood, marriage or adoption.
Define the term ‘nuclear family’.
A couple and their dependent children regarded as a basic social unit.
Define the term ‘extended family’.
A family that extends beyond the nuclear family to include grandparents and other relatives.
Define the term ‘polygamy’.
The practice or custom of having more than one wife at one time.
Define the term ‘bigamy’.
The offence in the UK of marrying someone whilst already married to someone else.
Give a quote from the Bible which tells Christians to support their family.
“Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, had denied faith and is worse than an unbeliever.”
What do some Muslims and traditional Christians disprove of?
Same-sex parents.
What is the extended family for Muslims?
The basis of Islamic society and part of God’s plan for human beings.
In Islam what is allowed?
A man to have more than one wife at the same time provided that he supports and loves them all equally.
What do Muslims consider homosexuality and same-sex marriages to be?
Morally wrong.
Define the term ‘procreation’.
Bringing babies into the world, producing offspring.
Define the term ‘stability’.
Safety and security.
What does the Church teach?
That both parents and children have responsibilities to one another.
What would society be like if families did not exist?
> Chaotic
What do Christians believe about their children?
That they are a gift from God.
What does a family reflect for Christians?
The relationship between Christ and the Church.
Give a quote from the Bible telling families to love one another.
“Children obey your parents in everything, for this pleased the Lord. Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged.”
Give a quote from the Bible telling couples to love each other.
” Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the Church and gave himself up for her.”
What is the purpose of families?
> Stability > Love > Support > Comfort > Wisdom
Give a quote from the Qur’an which tells children to be thankful.
“It is one of the greatest sins that a man should curse his parents.”
What is a Muslims responsibility?
To care for their parents when they become frail or ill.
Why would most Muslims not consider putting their parents into care homes?
They see it as an honour for them to live together and be able to offer the love and support that they received as children
Define the term ‘gender discrimination’.
Acting against someone on the basis of their gender.
Define the term ‘gender prejudice’.
Unfairly judging someone before the facts are known.
What do Christians believe about humans?
Everyone was made in the image of God.
What do some Christians believe about gender roles?
Men are the head of the house and it is the woman’s job to care for the home and children.
Give a quote from the Bible suggesting that a man has far more importance over a woman.
“Your desire will be fore your husband, and he will rule over you.”
Why may some Christians believe that women are the inferior gender?
The original sin was caused by a woman.
Give a quote from the Bible supporting gender balance.
“There is neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Jesus Christ.”
What do Muslims believe abut humans?
God created all people equally.
What does the Qur’an teach about men and women?
They were formed from a single soul and therefore have the same spiritual nature.
Give a quote from the Qur’an supporting equality.
“People, we created you all from a single man and woman, and made you into races and tribes so that you should recognise one another.”
What do many Muslim families put high value upon?
The mothers role in bringing up her children.