relationships and families Flashcards
The chrisitan family
a place for nuture and discipline
-a place to be bought up in christianity
value of fidelity - hlpes protect stability of the family
strengthening familfe - part of the mission of the church
Different types of families
nucleur single parent extended cohabitating - same as nuclear but parents are not married step family same sex adopted foster
Marriage - anglican/catholic/methodist
- should take place between a man and a woman
- outwards act of marriage is evidence of spiritual unity
genesis 2:23-24
a man leaves his father and mother and is united with is wife, and they become one flesh’
at the wedding service…
promises made are for life and shouldnt be broken
binding nature is reinforced by jesus - he says that once a couple are married, they cannot be seperated
‘man must not seperate what god has joined together’
between god as welll - god’s blessing is asked through prayer and his presence in the marriage relationship makes it stronger
Church of england
- acommitment to love and grow
should reflkect christ’s love for the church because christ is commited to his people and to the church - couple should be prepared to withstand selfishness, juts as christ put himself onto the cross
3 blessings of marriage
- procreation
- sexual relations
- help and comfort
extended love - the couple will exude what they have learnt in the relationship onto the wider community - forgivess ect
Catholic church
- creates a unique and unbreakable bond between couple - cannot be dissolved
- marriage in a catholic church reveals god’s unconditional love
- marriage is a sacrament - bings god’s grace to the couple - god’s grace helps spouse to be faithful and to be good parents
- church believes marriage is permenant and not a makeshift culture
- constant precense of christ - helps sustain and lengthen out the union and it is through times of difficult that couples can overcome it and grow
purpose of marriage for catholics
procreation - be fruitful and multiply
union - sign of faithfulness
one flesh - through the act of sex, which is resticted to marriage
scarament - god’s grace guides them through the intervention of the holy spirit
ends in death - ‘Till death do us part’ - marriage vows - against divorce
catholic/orthodox wedding services
-both required to be baptised
disparity of cult - when special permisison for an unbaptised candidate who wants to get married is baptised
- if a catholic marries a non christian it is not a sacrament
nuptial mass - they take part in the bringing the bread and wine to the alter - active role in sacrament is to direct all thoughts to god to demostrated him being the most important catalyst in the marriage
church of england
welcomes any heterosexual couple to marry whether they are christian or not or even baptised or not. prepared to carry out mixed faith marriage services
- CofE believes church wedding adds spiritual dimension to the marriahed - because god is included
couple can make choices about bible readings
the church of england - the offical religion in england performs state weddings
no minister to lead proceedings
couple sit in silent worship until they feel it is right for them to say their vows
christian responses to civil partnerships
Catholic and church of england are against civil partnerships
- marriage is the proper place for sexual relations - with the main role being to create new life
perfroming a civil partneship would suggest that homosexual sex is just as acceptable as married heterosexual sex
- they believe it is best to raise children with a biological father and mother
House of bishops - have told churches not to carry them out
church of england vicars are allowed to have civil parnterships but must remain celibate
- other homosexual clergy belive that not recognising gay partnerships is ‘failing to respond to an opportunity to celebrate and affirm love, fidelity and commitment’
other christians
civil partnerships should be acceptable because it provides companionship, untiy, and stability loike a heterosexual marriage
response to marriage
liberal christians argue that everyone should be treated equally - if a same sex couple want to get married, they should be allowed to
all love is from god - if a same sex couple is in love, then it must come from god and should not be condemned
not a choice - born gay so it is natural so it is god-given
responses to same sex marriage
religious organisations that do not wish to carry out homosexual marriages are protected under the law
marriage - requires set words to be said to agree the marriage
civil partneships - requires only a legal document
to end a marriage - divorce
to end a civil partnership - dissolution order
Members of the church of england may enter same-sex marriages without facing punishment but cannot be conducted by the church
because church teaches marriage should be between a man and a woman - procreation
catholic church
although the church teaches not to discriminate - they still teach that homosexual acts are unnatural since it does not result in children
it is opposed to same sex marriage beacuse it might have harmful effects on society, undermining the value of heterosexual marriage
Episcopal church
changed its law and allows same sex marriage - altering the marriage rites
‘children of god’
‘love transcends sexuality and gender’
responses to pre marital sex and cohabitation
all christians agree that casual sex is wrong because it takes place outside a loving relationship
one night stand - no intention of forming a permanent bond
catholic church
sex - the body’s language
this is how they communicate their absolute and exclusive love to one another
everytime sex occurs - possibility for new life
sex outside marriage is wrong
church of england
sex is an act of loyalty and love reflecting total commitment which also reflects the marriage vows
teaches that sex outside marriage, falls short of god’s purposes but accept that cohabitation is a step towards the commitment of marriage
-so they can focus on fully serving god
-paul was celibate - he says though that if they cannot control their sexual desires, they should marry
those that choose celibacy are focusing primarily on god
celibacy is a gift rather than a restriction - the priest is enabled better to share the love with all rather than being distracted by sharing the love with one
catholic church - celibacy is a more selfless and spiritual love
diverent views about cohqabitations
- as sex outside marriage becomes more socially acceptable - the church should modernise with the times
- step towards marriage - church of england - learning to be faithful
- SIN -catholic church - cohabitating is a sin - catholic churches discourage cohabitating couples from recieving holy communion as it is seen as a sin
cohabitation leads to higher divorce rates
birth control
artificial - use of a device like a condomn or medication
natural - abstaining, choosing to have sex in the least fertile time in the menstrual cycle
withdrawl method - withdraws before ejactualtion
catholic church
allows natural forms of contraception not artificial
condoms should not be used even to prevent the spread of STI’S
but more recently, has been accepted as the lesser of two evils - where one could potentially pass on AIDS to another person
procreation - ariticial contraception interferes with god’s plan
PROMISCUITY - lead to more sexual partners because less chance of pregancy
natural - allowed so they can plan when
church of england/methodist
family size - helps quality of life by reducing number of children
pleausre - strengthen their own emotional bond without risk of more children
disease - prevents infection
no sex until marriage - abstinence
directed at young people
organisations empahsise - abstience reflects a sense of self worth and value like THE SILVER RING THING organisation
sex was created by god as an expression of love within th marriage
Councelinng services for tackiling relationship problems before divorcing
Catholic church
marriage is permanent
do not accept divorce
breaks the legal agreement but does not break the holy agreement made by god
divorce process is painful - advice and support should be given to anyone even if they divorce
teaches temporary separation - try and restore their own marriage and not enter into any other sexual relationships
agreeing that promises made in marriage were not valid and so neither is the marriage
if a person had been forced into the marriage without consent
indivduals free to marry other people after
church of england
belives in lifelong commitment howveer does recognise that sometimes it is impossible for a couple to remain together and divorce is inevitable - abuse or adultry
the church care for the diovorced couple and they are allowed to remarry, whether is in the church is up to the priest
it is the more loving thing to do
jesus allowed remarriage for adultry
traditional views about men and women
women are literally god’s helpers
men are the leaders in that relationship
some women still choose to subit obediance to their husbands during their wedding cermeony
some christians consider women to be weake rthan men - in genesis eve gave in before adamn did
man - wage earner
women - child-bearer
Catholic church
values the role of a woman in the home as a highly as her chose career outside the house
women should feel under no social pressure to have a career if she would rather be a fulltime housewife
you are not her master but her husband
Jesus + role of women
challenged many cultural sterotypes
Sex discrimination is against the law in the UK - do not apply in religious organisations
Roman catholic church - compementarianism - believe men and women were created differently and so therefore fulfil different roles
Sex discrimination is against the law in the UK - do not apply in religious organisations
Roman catholic church - compementarianism - believe men and women were created differently and so therefore fulfil different roles
god’s law about priesthood
- jesus chose early men to be his disciples
- the early church leaders were all men
- priests represent jesus when celebratring the mass because jesus was a man
- the authority of the church has been passed down by men
those in favour of women priests
jesus came to break down barriers not reinforce them
jesus was following the tradition of his time
god created women in the image of himself as well as men
religious upbringing
‘children obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the lord. fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged’
catholic church
baptism bedtime prayers sunday school confirmation regular church attendance first holy communion
amish community
Ordnung - list of rules about how they should live
instructed to marry only other amish
provide schooling - farming for boys, domestic tasks for girls
women are under the authority of men - men are both in charge spiritually and provisionally
children taught not to be selfish and get along with others - god is pleased with harmony
age of 16 - leave the community to explore before settling down to the trict rules when they return. RUMSPRINGA
catholic church benefited from unequal distribution of wealth, and justified it with christian teachings
jesus taught wealthy people have a duty to share with those lesser than them and that spiritual riches are far more important than financial ones
famous hymn that supports inequality and that states god made it
the rich man in this castle
the poor man at his gate
god made thme highly and lowly
and ordered their estate