Relationships Flashcards
What does Rusbult’s investment model suggest?
That commitment to a relationship is based on investment, satisfaction and comparison with alternatives.
What is Intrinsic investment?
Any resources that we put directly into the relationship, including tangible items (e.g money) or intangibles (e.g energy and self-disclosures)
What is extrinsic investments?
Resources that previously did not feature in the relationship, but are now closely associated with it. These include tangible items (children, shared house) and intangibles (shared memories).
What did Shackelford and Larson (1997) find?
They found that people with symmetrical faces are rated as more physically attractive. This is thought to be because this shows genetic fitness because a symmetrical face requires robust genes. Therefore a partner who selects a person with a symmetrical gave is more likely to produce offspring with robust genes who survive and reproduce themselves.
What is the supporting research evidence for Rusbult’s investment model?
Rusbult asked college students in heterosexual relationships to complete a questionnaire over a 7 month period. They kept notes about how satisfactory their relationships was, how it compared with others and how much they had invested in it. Students noted how committed they felt to the relationship and whether it had ended.
What weather results of Rusbult’s study on investment?
Those who were committed to the relationship had a high level of investment and satisfaction and a low CL for alternatives whereas those who decided to leave the relationship had a higher CL for alternatives and low satisfaction and investment.
Evaluate Rusbult’s study?
It has real world applications
College setting is not normal for relationships and so results cannot be generalised
Only done in USA so poor ecological validity.
Rusbult and Martz 1995
Applied the investment model to abusive relationships. They asked women living in refuges why they had stayed with their abusive partners instead of leaving them as soon as the abuse began. As predicted by the model, women had felt the greatest commitment to their relationship when economic alternatives were poor and their investment was great.
Outline Le and Agnew’s 2003 study?
They reviewed 52 studies including 11,000 from 5 countries and found that satisfaction, comparison with alternatives and investment size all predicted relationship commitment. Relationships in which commitment was greatest were the most stable and lasted longer.
Self report studies were used.
Self disclosure
Talking about personal things when talking to a new potential mate. Breadth and depth increase over time.
De individuation
When you loose your identity so your behaviour may be different.
Selective self presentation
You can select how you are presented online.
Reasons for more self disclosure in virtual relationships compare to face-to-face relationship.
Cannot see their face so you can say what you want.
De-individuated so may self disclose more than they would in real life.
Reasons for less self disclosure in virtual relationships compare to face-to-face relationship.
De-individuation may cause someone to be mean if you self disclose sometching that may be embaressing.