Relationships Flashcards
What are some traditional christian roles for women? Include quote to support answer.
- give birth : “ be fruitful and multiply”
- Women are inferior to Men : “ Women should remain silent in church”
- Eve was made from Adams rib
Name three types of families.
- Nuclear
- reconstituted
- Extended
- Single parent
What do Roman Catholics believe in when it comes to contraception?
- they only believe in the rhythm method
- Family planning
- against using any type of contraception
what is an annulment?
- a declaration that a marriage was never a proper marriage in the eyes of the church
In the opinion on a Christian, what are some valid reasons for getting a divorce?
- Abuse
- Adultery within the marriage
- Agreement that the couple were too young to commit or understand marriage.
What is the symbolism of the rings in a marriage?
- Eternal love/Eternal promise to each other and God
What does the colour white resemble on a wedding dress?
- Purity
What is it called when the same sex like eachother?
- Homosexual
What is it called when the opposite sex like eachother?
- Hetrosexual
What is it called when someone chooses to not have sex?
- Celibate
What type of Christian supports contraception?
- Anglican/Church of England
Once married, Christians believe you become _______.
- One flesh
State some reasons for Divorce
- Too young
- Abuse/Violence
- Didn’t understand the responsibility of Marriage
Why do Roman Catholics disagree with Divorce?
-Seen as betrayal towards God - Making Vows, Eternal rings, took back a promise to the Lord, sinful
Do Roman Catholics agree with Remarriage?
- No