relationships Flashcards
sexual selection
survival of the sexiest. attributes or behaviours that increase reproductive success are passed on and may become exaggerated or more common over time
differences between make and female sex cells
characteristics of female gametes
large, limited years of fertility, static
male gametes
long supply, small, mobile
intersexual selection
what one sex looks for in the other
intrasexual selections
within each sex: how members of the same sex compete to mate with the opposite sex
females hold greater importance in time, commitment and resources than makes because making the wrong choice in partner is more serious due to their fertility window
fisher - sexy son hypothesis
women select men with traits they hope to pass to their children
women and men look different as they look for different things
clark & hatfield
women agreed to the date because they can get to know the men
men agreed because quantity > quality
self disclosure
revealing information about yourself to someone
when we learn more about someone, we become more attracted to them
altman & taylor - social penetration theory
the gradual process of revealing your inner self to someone, starting at a basic level and getting more intimate as time goes on
reis & shaver - reciprocity
for a relationships to develop, self disclosure needs to be reciprocated and partners should respond in a rewarding empathetic way
the halo effect
dion et al
attractive people are consistently rated as kind, strong, sociable, and successful compared to unattractive people
the matching hypothesis
walster and walster
people choose partners who are roughly of similar physical attractiveness to each other
3 Filters : Kerckhoff and Davis
social demography
similarity in attitudes
social demography (filters)
factors that influence the chances of potential partners meeting each other in the first place
similarity in attitudes (filters)
partners agree over basic values
complimentary (filters)
partners have traits the other lacks i.e dominance/submissive
festinger et al (filters)
found people who lived near the stairways in a u shaped housing block had most passive contact with other residents, and had developed the greatest friendships with those nearby
clark (filters)
50% of people living in columbus ohio married someone within walking distance of
social exchange theory
thibailt and kelly
a satisfying relationship is maintained when rewards exceed costs for both parties