relationships Flashcards
Why is family important to both Christians and Muslims
- important place to celebrate faith
- nurturing child
- ten commandments(honour your parents…)
- children are a gift from God
what are the roles within a family?
•men provide •women are responsible for the domestic life -caring for the children - caring for other relatives - maintaining the family home - providing stability
What do Christians say about family roles?
“Train up a child in the way he should go even when he is old he will not depart from it“
- you should teach your children the word of God
- when they become old, they can pass on the tradition
- includes going to church (example)
What do muslims say about family roles?
“A man is the guardian of his family; a woman is the guardian of her husbands home and of his children”
- men should take care of the children and women should take care of the husband and children
- clear roles and responsibilities set out
Why do Christian’s get married?
- it is God given
- to show life long commitment to their partner and religion
- to have children
- have sex w a clear conscience
- to avoid sin
- involve God in their relationship
how do protestants get married
- sermon
- sing hymns
- vows
- prayers
- signing of the register
- exchange of rings
- bible reading
- married by a pastor
how do catholics get married?
- bless the rings with holy water
- married by a priest
- mass, sacrament
- hymns
- sermon
- bible readings
- exchange of rings and vows
- signing of the register
Mark 10: 6-8
“for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh”
why do muslims get married?
- marriage is a gift from Allah
- to have children
- family life is important
- prophet Mohammad did so we should too
how do muslims get married?
•the mahr: the payment in money or otherwise from the groom
•signing the nikah: in shariah law, it means that your marriage is valid
—> muslims in the uk have to do a civil service as well
•the vows: some muslims do this to solidify the commitment
•quran reading: an imam will recite verse from the Quran to emphasis the importance of marriage and role both the men and woman take on in their union
Quran 30:21 (why muslims marry)
“he created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them”
is marriage out of date? (yes)
- if you love someone, it shouldn’t matter whether you are married
- it’s easy to get divorced now as marriage isn’t a real commitment
- people just get married for the party and don’t take the vows seriously
- you could save the money and do something more charitable with it
is marriage out of date? (no)
- it’s shows your commitment to the partner
- the Bible says to wait for marriage to have sex
- it’s a better environment to raise a child in
Catholics on cohabitation
- cohabitation is wrong
- it devalues the sanctity of marriage
- sex should only be between a husband and wife
- you can easily be tempted
- ”but because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband” - 1 Corinthians 7:20
Protestants on cohabitation
- it’s okay
- as long as the couple is in a stable monogamous relationship but they do prefer marriage
- commitment
muslims on cohabitation
•traditionally, dating wouldn’t happen before the wedding
—> arranged marriage
therefore, there wouldn’t be a consideration of cohabitation and a couple would begin living together after marriage
why do marriages fail?
- pressure from work
- money
- unemployment
- parents in law
- having children or not
- affairs
- domestic violence
christian views on adultery
- sex should only happen between a married couple
- it damages people involved
- “ you shall not commit adultery” from the 10 commandments
muslim views on adultery
- sex should only happen between a married couple
- it disrupts the ummah and causes harm
- marriage is a lifelong union
- “and do not approach unlawful sexual immorality” - Quran 17:32
catholic views on divorce
- not allowed
- you made a promise to God and to break this promise is a sin
- marriage is a sacrament
- even if you get divorced by law, you won’t be in the eyes of the Lord
- any other relationship is adultery
- you can separate but not divorce
catholic sow divorce
“ anyone who divorces his wife… and marries another woman commits adultery”
matthew 19:9
protestants view on divorce
• God is a loving God and doesn’t want people to suffer
- For example, he would not want people to suffer in abusive relationships
•If you have tried to reconcile your differences then divorce can be a last resort…CoE
• God gave us free will to decide what is best
• Someone that is divorced can remarry in an Anglican church
protestants sow on divorce
love thy neighbour
muslim view on divorce
• They should seek help from an imam and others in their community • Muslims recognise that sometimes reconciliation is not always possible • Muslims must seek a civil divorce (law) • They also believe that the marriage should also be ended in the eyes of Allah • They would need to apply to the Shari'ah council to ask for divorce • They then have to wait for three months to see if reconciliation can happen and to ensure the wife is not pregnant - After this time the divorce granted
musilm sow on divorce
“either keep her with good manner or release her with good treatment”
christian views on sex
• its a good thing and its from God • its the first commandment ever given (go forth and multiply) • create new life • should be between a man and woman •its an expression of love
muslim views on sex
- its a goood thing
- its from Allah
- between man and woman
- men and women should both dress modeslty to avoid lustful thoughts and behaviour before and outdide of marriage
- sometimes unmarried couples will have chaperones
- “and do not approach unlawful sexual immorality”
catholic views on contraception
• not allowed
• life is sacred and belongs to God, therefore, only he
can decide when life begins and ends
•St Thomas Aquinas’ Natural Law says we have a duty
to preserve life and reproduce
•its unnatural
• “go forth and multiply”
protestant views on contraception
• God doesn’t want us to suffer
• children should be wanted
• children should be loved and wanted and
contraception prevents children being born which are
unloved or cannot be looked after
• God gave us the scientific knowledge and free will so we can decide
• “love thy neighbour”
muslim views on contraception
• its allowed
• many muslims see it as compulsory to have children
• the use of contraception is not ideal but is allowed if
the mother is breastfeeding and caring for a young
baby or if the pregnancy may cause harm to the
mothers life
• many muslims use it as a way to limit family size but wouldn’t allow permanent contraception
catholic view on homosexuality
- God made male and female for each other to be able to have children
- being homosexual means you cant do this
- ” if you lie as a man as you do a woman, both of them have committed an abomination”
protestants view on homosexuality
- any relationship is reflective of Gods love
- JESUS taught us to love out neighbours
- Desmond Tutu says they are our brothers and sisters
muslims view on homosexuality
- “you approach men with desire, instead of women, rather you are a transgressing people”
- homosexuality is a crime in most muslim countries
- marriage was made for men and women
catholic view on gender equality
- “i do not permit a woman to have power over a man; she must keep quiet”
- breaks 2000 years of tradition
- Jesus was a man and so was his disciples
- women are allowed to be active in church but cannot lead as we are all made in Gods image
- “there is no jew nor gentile…”
* we are all made in Gods image
muslims view on gender equality
“if a woman leads a man or men in a congregational prayer, the prayer of the men is invalid”