Relational Dialectics Flashcards
What is Relational Dialectics?
dynamic knot of contradictions in personal relationships
What are contradictions in relational dialectics?
- Dynamic interplay between unified oppositions
- Dialectic tensions as the “deep structure”
What are the three contradictions to relational dialectics?
- Integration/Separation- includes connection; autonomy, inclusion-seclusion, intimacy independence
- Stability/Change- includes certainty; uncertainty, conventionality-uniqueness, predictability- surprise, routine-novelty
- Expression/Non expression- includes openness- closeness, revelation-concealment
What dialects affect relationships and how are they defined?
- Internal dialects: ongoing tensions played out within a relationship
- External dialects: ongoing tensions between a couple and their community (friends, coworkers, media, etc)
What is dialogue as a constitutive process?
Dialogue- Communication that is constitutive, always in a flux, capable of achieving aesthetic moments
Constitutive dialogue- communication that creates, sustains, and alters relationships and social work
What is utterance and utterance change?
Utterance is what a person says in one conversational turn. Utterance change is central building blocks of meaning. Making where utterances are linked to a competing discourse already heard as well as those yet to be spoken
What is dialectic Flux?
unpredictable, unfinalizable, indeterminate nature of personal relationships
What is spiraling inversion?
Switching back and forth between two contrasting voices
What is segmentation?
Compartmentalizing tactic by which partners isolate different aspects of their relationship
What are negating, countering, entertaining, and transforming?
Negating: mentioning a marginalized discourse to dismiss it as unimportant
Countering: replacing expected discourse with alternative discourse
Entertaining: recognizing that every discourse has alternatives
Transforming: combining two or more discourses into something new
How does relational dialects stack up as an interpretive theory on six criteria?
- New understanding of people
- Aesthetic appeal
- Reform of society
- Clarification of values
- Community of agreement
- Qualitative research