Rel. Ch. 4 Vocab/Study Guide Flashcards
A place of security or refuge; while traditionally thought of as a boat, an ark can be a container that houses something of great importance.
One who tends to herd,usually of cattle
A tower,similar in shape to a pyramid, built by pagans to honor their Gods
Something that happens following an action or a decision
A person’s inner awareness of the moral aspects of human actions
Refers to a personal change from unbelief to belief
It can be considered as a God given theological virtue or habit of belief
Refers to a free and undeserved supernatural gift
Refers to the theological virtue by which Christmas desire and expect from God both eternal life and the means of grace necessary to attain it
A synonym for the theological virtues of charity
Refers to the process whereby a sinful person returns to the grace of God and love of neighbor
Refers to an offense against reason, truth, and right conscience and thus against God
What was the only rule that God gave Adam and Eve?
Don’t eat the fruit off the tree of knowledge of good and evil
Who committed original sin?
Adam and Eve
What story tells how sin caused languages to divide nations?
Tower of Babel
What did God promise the human race.
A savior
Who built the ark?
Who killed his brother?
What was Adam and Eve’s sin?
They disobeyed God
What was the sign of God’s promise never to destroy the world by water again?
A rainbow
Who is the new Eve whose child gave life back to us?
What book of the Bible contains the stories about the beginnings of sin in the world?
Who is born with original sin?
Everyone except Mary and Jesus
What is the gift of God’s life that Adam and Eve lost?
Sanctifying Grace
What are the 6 effects of sin?
1.) Separation from God
2.) Unhappiness
3.) Destruction
4.) Conflict
5.) Suffering
6.) Death
From what does all evil come?
Whom did Adam blame for his sin?