Reinhold (Cross) Flashcards
But it is true that you have never done PR before?
That is not correct. I have appeared on various television and radio programs, as well as various podcasts. This is definitely not the first time I have promoted messages to public platforms.
It is true that Bree was a bit rash when it came to making business decisions?
Well yes, but she always relied on experts and professionals. It was by no means a dictatorship, she always respected the systems in place for decision-making.
Initially, you thought the idea was foolhardy isn’t that right?
Initially, I did but after exploring the idea and looking at the evidence, it didn’t take me long to get on board.
You didn’t like Jamie?
It was nothing personal, but he was in the bottom third of my class, was clearly feigning interest, and helped his fraternity cheat on my final exams
But you called Jamie an idiot right?
I would say a person who helps his “honor fraternity” cheat on my final exams is an idiot, yes
Clumsy post-doc/tenure saved you
- My final round of testing got contaminated, so I used the results from another Tiger Tail strain as all of these strains are bioidentical.
- That’s what footnotes are for.
- It couldn’t be replicated fully but we were able to gather our conclusions within a reasonable degree of scientific certainty.
- It was not tenure that saved me, as I explained I did not do anything wrong. As a tenured employee, however, they allowed me to provide explanation which ultimately came to prove that I had done nothing wrong.
Things weren’t run much better than an academic department?
Well, it’s hard to get much better than an academic department. Academic departments are well-structured with everybody having clear roles.
Against your better judgment
Well, we had no other choice due to COVID. There were many things that were against our better judgment. I’m sure if you have kids… Everyone had to make decisions against their better judgment during this unprecedented time.
[Pockets about incomplete foundational Mapother data + forced to run testing more quickly than originally proposed]
After production ramped up so swiftly, we could only spot check shipments of material for quality or bioidentity
Safe for consumers/wasn’t sure if it was safe then contradiction
Gerry was in charge (couldn’t manage his way out of a paper bag)
Well, I didn’t think that he was the best manager in the world but it was a short period of time and I appreciated the chain of command system in place which is what led Gerry to be in charge in the first place during that period of time.
Jac Taggert has testified at congress before isn’t that right?
Yes, the same Jac Taggert who has been arrested for ramming a whale ship.
Until Teri distracted him with catnip?
Well, our CEO Bree Plaza is a celebrity and a movie star and our company culture is strongly influenced by her so we make use of movie and celebrity references. It might be unconventional but that’s how we operate.
Chev Chelios was standing on a chair staring into space?
For a moment, he got up and made a movie reference to make a certain point.
Bree re-focused to talk about some pseudoscience related to manifesting?
That was a part of it, but she brought the company back to direction and helped us focus on the process going forward.