Reinforcement: Dopamine's role Flashcards
What role does dopamine play in reinforcement?
A primary role!
Dopamine is secreted in which systems?
Ventral tegmental area important for reinforcement
Axons project to…
a wide area of the cortex - axons can have several hundred thousand terminal buttons
Mesolimbic system projects…
From the ventral tegmentum through medial forebrain bundle to limbic structures: AMYGDALA, SEPTUM, HIPPOCAMPUS, NUCLEUS ACCOMBENS (NA is located in basal forebrain - most animal research focuses on this area)
Mesocortical system projects from…
Projects from ventral tegmentum to limbic and other cortex (anterior cingulate, prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, association cortex of frontal, temporal, and parietal lobes)